the Rift

what lies beneath

Zdravilo Posts: N/A
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She knew well that new horses entered Helovia through this forest. The emerald canopy turning to an auburn color as the leaves quiver trying to hold on. The mossy floor of the tall trees is spongy and moist. The mountains reaching for the sky just at the end of the twisty path. Travelers came here from everywhere. She'd heard of a place called Isilme. It seemed the very core of horses here were from Isilme. Zdravilo however, was not. She was from a far away place she'd rather not talk, nor think about. The only words she could think of about it were, long and brutal. Shamelessly and brutally she had to make an escape. The vision still portrays itself in her mind, yet she shudders and lets the thought be excused.

Ah, the sweet scent of lush leaves and tall strong trunks. My nose tingling with the familiar sites and smells of this forest. This was the place I was first introduced to in helovia. I remember the handsome Descaro coming and swaying me to the Aurora Basin, but then Leyra came. I swear she had given me the stink eye. Oh, like she was the almighty queen. She was just white noise in the scheme of things.


As clear as day I hear a voice. Immidietly I pick my pace up to a quick trot. Hoping, heartily, it was a unicorn. Maybe it'd be a petite mare like me. I hadn't met anyone that looked like me yet. That was a shame, but I had met a fair amount of macho-like horses. Yet, maybe this horse would be a brawny barbarian type just as the others. I would have to wait and see.

To no avail, it was indeed a stallion. An odd one, might I add. His mane and tail a frosty white. His coat was a bluish color with a glossy coating. I smiled as I slowed my trot infront of him, to a halt. "Hello Sir! Welcome to Helovia!" Tossing my head slightly, my volumess forelock dancing on my forhead and around my crown. This one had a horn too! I thought that was pretty cool! It wasn't very rare, or even uncommon at that. It was curved just as Zdravilo's latest recruit, Calcifer. Still, it was a horn, a nice one at that. Now that she was closer, she saw the sweet purity of his horn. It was glossy white like the traditional unicorns. "That's quite a pretty horn you got there. I'm Zdravilo, but you can call me Vilo!" My smile never dimmed. I was naturally a friendly horse. I got on people's good sides rather quickly. I'd even been told I was pretty by Descaro, though it was nothing more and I denied it. Me and him were friends, nothing more. My audits alert, and I reached my whiskered velveteen pink muzzle out to greet him. A soft nicker escaping the bowels of my throat and into the air.

Messages In This Thread
what lies beneath - by Fawkes - 05-19-2013, 04:57 PM
RE: what lies beneath - by Fawkes - 05-21-2013, 09:18 PM
RE: what lies beneath - by Zdravilo - 05-23-2013, 08:39 PM
RE: what lies beneath - by Fawkes - 06-01-2013, 09:50 PM

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