the Rift

[OPEN] Daughter of snow (Fal, Maumau, Open)
Ascended Helovian

Mauja the Frozen Light Posts: 1,392
Outcast atk: 6.5 | def: 10.5 | dam: 7.5
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 17.2 :: 14 HP: 79.5 | Buff: HUNTER
Irma :: Snowy Owl :: Terrorize & Diego :: Eurasian Eagle-Owl :: Rage Neo
but I'm cold as the wind blows, so hold me in your arms
Of course they saw him — it wasn't hard to spot a white horse against a mostly non-white backdrop. In faint amusement his eyes skipped to Sielu. She'd inherited his inability to merge with a green forest, but not quite in the way you would've expected. He had no idea where the purple had come from, because he was fairly sure it had never occurred in his bloodlines, so maybe it was something in Faelene's? With a small smile curling his lips he turned his eyes from his daughter, and felt the rush of wind over wings as Irma disappeared above the treetops, leaving him alone with part of his family. Would his caution almost shatter everything again? It would be so cruel, to be so near taking his place in their lives, and be robbed of it.. no word had escaped of his involvement in creating Sielu, and the red-maned had remained within the Basin, so surely she hadn't changed her mind? And if she had — he was sure she'd do him the courtesy of letting him know, but even so his thoughts chased themselves around and around. Fear of losing those he loved. If Psyche could turn out to be warm beneath her ambitious and cold-hearted black, and d'Artagnan pick out something harmless amidst the poison for him to get high on.. what was to say Faelene wasn't about to let him into her, and Sielu's life?

Fear was foolish, but since last they met Mauja had spent more time exploring the dangerous concept called trust, and her greeting softened the knot of anxiety inside. All would be fine. She didn't seem the type of stab him in the face after smiling at him.

A low neigh rumbled in his chest, eyes flitting to Sielu again, to see if she would approach or remain, warily, in the distance. It was a shame he didn't know her better, but how could he possibly? Bit by bit excitement overtook the chaos of mild fear, and when his long legs had taken him to Faelene's dark side his neck extended, muzzle seeking to brush against hers in their customary greeting. There was something bright in his eyes, to mirror the anticipation of the moment. "Hello," he murmured, keeping close to her — for a moment he sought her silver eyes out, to hold them, somehow try to convey his sincerity and excitement at the same time, and then he let them slide back to Sielu. She was a strange child, stranger than any he'd ever seen, with her smoking mane and tail. Strange, yes, but still his, nothing so simple as strangeness was going to put him off claiming her. Besides, Helovia was full of strange horses. "I'm sorry I took so long.. but I wanted to make sure she was fine with it, and not just said she was." And besides, with how that conversation had ended.. it felt strange to think about, like it hadn't quite been the Dark Empress and the Frostheart in that cave anymore. What it meant.. he still didn't know.

But, Psyche hadn't seemed to carry any grudge about Sielu, and hadn't come after his ass to chew him out about it since then either. And so, he could only assume she really was fine with it. "Has she said anything to you?" Maybe she had. Maybe she hadn't.
angels, they fell first, but I'm still here

Messages In This Thread
Daughter of snow (Fal, Maumau, Open) - by Sielu - 04-25-2013, 11:53 AM
RE: Daughter of snow (Fal, Maumau, Open) - by Mauja - 05-21-2013, 08:03 AM

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