the Rift

Play no games. | Assassins or Basin

Accalia Posts: N/A
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Accalia was walking back in the Threshold with thoughts rapidly racing through her mind. The Assassins. A band that she was already pledging her allegiance to needed her help. Their leader, Ignita was captured, and she needed to get her back. But with what army? The Assassins were scattered, and even though she was no leader of the group, she felt the need to take control momentarily until the righteous spot was retaken by Ignita. First, she had to recruit more horses, and persuade them to help her. Then they could secretly go into the World's Edge. If there were any more captured members, Ignita could lead Accalia and probably the other helpers to re take what was theirs. It sounded like the ideal plan, but she needed others to accompany her.

Snow was frosting the ground, and the fae was finally blending in with her surroundings instead of sticking out. Out of the blue, a growl was heard, not wolf like, but almost like a feline. Accalia froze, scared as she saw a tiger emerge and kill a rabbit before her. As pallid as snow, as still as a tree Accalia uttered not a single sound, but finally mustered the courage to speak. What Assassin was she if she couldn't defend herself. But this was a tiger. A feared cat, a giant killing machine. Taking a step closer, blinking hoping it wouldn't turn on her she spoke. "Hello there", Accalia spoke with a calm, voice pushing out all of the fear. "I am Accalia, part of the Assassins band, and I am seeking to rescue are leader. Are you in need affiliation, Sir?" She questioned, the words spilling out of her mouth.

Messages In This Thread
Play no games. | Assassins or Basin - by Kumal - 05-20-2013, 06:11 PM
RE: Play no games. | Assassins or Basin - by Accalia - 05-21-2013, 12:22 PM
RE: Play no games. | Assassins or Basin - by Accalia - 05-21-2013, 01:29 PM

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