the Rift

That past

Tamme the Tempting Posts: 140
Mare :: Other :: 2 :: 2 HP: 9001 | Buff: Admin
The journey, was it worth the pain?
The hatred, was it worth the same?
The love, was it worth the game?
Listen you spotted girl, come with me and dont go again.

The stealth itself is very good. There was nothing misleading or misdirected that would warrant something being taken off for.

I think the problem is that you are too obvious coupled with the fact that we know the Assassin's want Adrixaura back. It's easier to spot a stealth when you already know who is wanted.

A good trick with stealth is come up with three, distinct things that you want to use. So you had a personality, history and a breed/color reference with an added fourth. This fourth addition is extremely important in my opinion because it can make or break a stealth in the event that one of your clues is considered iffy by the judges.

Now that you have your three, distinct clues, it's time to mask them.

You came right out and said "spotted girl". So automatically, we all now know that it's an appaloosa female. Once you start narrowing down, the list is very thin and since each herd has more than once guess, we can pretty much block whomever it is.

Try instead saying something like... "A camouflage of rock on snow" (black dots on a white landscape) or "A wave's crest, broken with scattered holes" (wave crests are white with "holes" for black spots). Something like that. It makes us have to think harder because that could be a reference now to appearance OR even personality. Does it mean black spots on white? Or does it mean that she's pure of heart except for some mistakes?

Some general clues to avoid lest your stealth be guessed super quickly:
- Do not use gender and color in the same stealth. This narrows down our list in half with gender and even more with color since we have so many uniquely colored horses on this site.
- Do not only use personality and history. These are very interpretive and can usually cause problems.

Some clues to help:
- Come up with a clever way to use the name. Try google. This is usually an awesome way to go about it. Like when Neo used a city from a video game as "Arah's" name clue.
- Come up with a clever way to define species. Swords and spears for unicorns are a little outdated. Try something clever. Like needles.
- Come up with a clever way to define color. Alex's stealth for Psyche was amazing with the four astronauts in deep space for her four socks and black coloring.

I hope this helps!

Messages In This Thread
That past - by Kumal - 05-23-2013, 11:54 AM
RE: That past - by Ophelia - 05-23-2013, 01:47 PM
RE: That past - by Ophelia - 05-23-2013, 01:48 PM
RE: That past - by Kumal - 05-23-2013, 03:00 PM
RE: That past - by Tamme - 05-23-2013, 05:39 PM
RE: That past - by Kumal - 05-24-2013, 06:42 AM

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