the Rift

[OPEN] Try to hear my voice [Tonka, Assassins]

Chemical Posts: N/A
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You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away and know when to run.

I had stepped up to the plate as Tonka and Ignita had both been taken. It was a shame but we would get them back, one way or another. Needless to say, we Assassins were like a family so we all helped one another out. Anyways, I vowed so, and a vow was something I had to do lest I knew the outcome was certain death. After analyzing, certain death was possibly but not highly. I had nothing else to live for and Rafe was right in the fact I needed to chase danger.

It seemed as though, mentally, I had been preparing myself for this for a long time. However, I had only been thinking about it for about a week. But in that week, it was like my heart had been smelted and then had turned to solid stone. It was like my emotions had disconnected from me and I was no longer afraid of the world. Instead of a coward, I had vowed to become a something others cowered at. Kind of like my emotions had just froze.

And perhaps they had for it was pretty damn cold out here. To make it worse it was beginning to snow. Flying plus snow did not mix well and as I glided through it, the frozen droplets hissed as they hit my warm skin. I the process, each one felt like a very minuscule sting. I didn't let it bother me and it wouldn't. Especially for the fact that I had to keep going.

Spotting a black dot, I circled to get a better view, descending only ever so slightly. This black dot was not of a horse shape and was not of like anything I had ever seen. This was until, I saw it move for a cave then I strictly identified this being as a big cat. In this maze of a place called Helovia, you could never precisely tell.

I wondered why he had decided to come here. I descended with a quick dive that brought me rapidly close to the ground. At last minute, I thrust my wings out and they instantly caught resistance to save me from the fall. My black hooves were dug into the snow to get a good grip as I walked towards the cave in which the black dot had taken refuge from the snow in.

My husky voice erupted into the cave. "State your business, big cat. Friend of a friend or dog of a foe?" It slightly shocked me, for even it had changed. Whatever was going on with me, a majority of my mind liked it and only a very small part had doubt.

A breeze entered the cave and I forced down a shiver. Instead, I lifted my head slightly then returned it close to my neck. My bang then proceeded to fall over to the one side in which it had decided to part.
You never count your money when you're sittin' at the table.
There'll be time enough for countin' when the dealin's done.

gas maskhorsepattern

Messages In This Thread
RE: Try to hear my voice [Tonka, Assassins] - by Chemical - 05-24-2013, 07:20 AM
RE: Try to hear my voice [Tonka, Assassins] - by Accalia - 05-24-2013, 09:16 AM
RE: Try to hear my voice [Tonka, Assassins] - by Chemical - 05-24-2013, 04:17 PM
RE: Try to hear my voice [Tonka, Assassins] - by Accalia - 05-26-2013, 07:53 AM

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