the Rift

Play & be played. [non-specific mythical companion]

Random Event Posts: 1,286
Helovian Ancient
Stallion :: Equine :: ::
 The Interrupter.
But enough of words, actions speak louder than. Action now. Observe all.
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In this world, there are those who strive to level the playing field - those who would combat every instantiation of evil, with some small amount of good, if only to say that they tried. There are the Gods: 4 siblings, temperately balancing each other out - maintaining the status quo for the most part. There are also the demi-gods, to balance them, and so on and so forth, down the lowliest dandelion, who really doesn't do much good either way. Even so, these checks and balances are everywhere, but every now and then, something happens. Something is beckoned forth from Gods know where, known only as The Interrupter.

And what does it do? For which side does it lend itself? Well, you're about to find out.

Dry lightning cracks across skies which are unusually dark. Although the storms of Orangemoon are no stranger to lightning, typically the skies find themselves tossed and tousled in vibrant shades of blue and violet during these summer storms. Now however, the clouds are tinged with black, even though the sun has not fully set. It is dark, entirely too dark. These flashes of lightning continue, almost in a pattern, as if beckoning you closer. If you listen closely, you can hear a sort It is dull sounding, and broken; like an orchestra on a tape, which had faded and gone out of tune. Nevertheless, this eerie melody plays on, growing louder and louder as it emanates from the center of the field. In the center, an odd ring has formed - although formed may not be the best descriptor: What you're looking at, is a ring where the grasses and flowers have simply died.

In the very center, a being simply hangs in midair. Its face is entirely masked by gold and white filigree, and its body cloaked by a mass of inky cloth. Only its eyes are entirely visible; although they are constantly shifting and changing. From this perspective, it is completely unclear what sort of origin this creature has, or even what it resembles. From its sides, where presumably arms would be, two appendages shoot from the robe, one is feathered like a wing, the other is scaled with suction cups on the bottom, like an octopus. Between these mismatched arms, the creature holds a glowing white sphere, and gradually, you begin to feel that the creature is smiling. The feeling is like a taint upon your very soul - a sickly and twisted emotion. Is this what you want? Its eyes seem to say; is it?!

"Then entertain me" Lightning flashes across the sky once more, and the creature is silent. Its smile, and the corresponding feeling have faded, leaving only an uneasy anxiousness in its wake.

[This is a common non-specific mythical companion drop (i.e., Kitsune, Boggart, Hellhound). Please only post if you have a non-specific mythical companion on your wishlist for more than 1 month. You have 72 hours to respond to this drop. As the creature has stated, you must entertain it. This will be a combination-random drop, wherein creative responses will get you a pre-determined number of extra chances to win.]

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- You may have more than 1 character enter this drop
- You must complete the task in your first post. There will only be one round.

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Play & be played. [non-specific mythical companion] - by Random Event - 05-26-2013, 01:55 PM

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