the Rift

[PRIVATE] You won't find faith or hope down a telescope [Irrydae]

Irrydae Posts: 111
Hidden Account
Mare :: Pegasus :: 16.2hh :: Seven
That smile on his face. So happy. Why was he so happy to see her? Why was she so happy to see him? She inhaled his scent, and when he reached out to her she leaned into him, molten gold eyes hiding behind deep purple lids. They open as she pulls back, afraid she is lingering too long, and she can see his face turn into a mask of worry. 'Irrydae. Are you... Okay?' She wants to speak, but is afraid of the tears that threaten.

Irrydae pulls in her wings, eyes cast away, embarrassed as the puppy runs over. Her heart melts as the eyes turn sorrowful in the pup and she nudges it with her muzzle gently before it bats at her, offering a smile. A natural smile, though small, fills her face as she blinks trying to keep the tears at bay. Butterflies form out of Norther Lights, appearing from her wings. Though these ones don't burn, they are for show. There are many that flap their silent wings, circling the three of them. One lands on the puppy's nose before taking flight again. Irry wants to tell Evers everything, but also doesn't at the same time. This was her, what, third encounter with him?

Gold wavering eyes search for his that are almost the same color, and she wants to reach out to him again, to just lean against him and cry all night. But she wants to be strong, she needs to be strong. For the stallion who she somehow trusted so well, better then anyone she had ever met. For the stallion next to her, who she has only talked to two times. His voice is shy, quiet, but so marvelous. Her jaw shakes slightly as she opens her mouth. "I- it's." It's stupid. Memories. The star mare had thought she had moved on from this, moved on from her past and her mother and all the haunting flashbacks.

She can't stop them now. "I'm sorry." she chokes out as tears slide down her face, throat constricting as she turns away, trying to hide them. Irry doesn't want him to see. It is stupid. She is surprised that he was so open to her greeting, that he didn't pull away. But he surely didn't care about her damn memories. It was stupid. Stupid that something like this could affect her so greatly! The mare must seem so weak. So vulnerable.

"I'm sorry." Irrydae repeats, voice thick as she moves away from the blue stud, the sunset casting great hues of yellow and red to blaze against the chocolate on her pelt, changing her hair and stars to change color in the falling sun. Maybe I'm not as strong as I think. She should have never approached him in the first place.

[ ooc ; i'm feeling better now, thank you <333. and i definitely will skype you if i ever want to vent again ]

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[Image: wu5k41.png]
please tag irry in every post! magic & aggression allowed w/o death

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RE: You won't find faith or hope down a telescope [Irrydae] - by Irrydae - 05-28-2013, 07:15 PM

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