the Rift

Play & be played. [non-specific mythical companion]

Hana Posts: N/A
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[Image: 30k7diw.png]
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And I won't lie they keep me on my toes these days.

She wasn't sure why she had approached the creature. Perhaps it was the fact of the unknown, that she was desperate to know what it was. She approached from behind, eyes shining as she stared up at the thing. Lighting cracked over head again and Hana jumped. It screamed to be entertained...and what if she didn't? Better yet how did one entertain such a bizarre creature? She watched the other stags and listened as Ulrik spoke to it. Presenting riddles. Would it want a tongue twister? Boldly Hana grinned up at the thing, her ruby eyes openly curious. Her heart was pounding in her chest though, would it smite her if she tried and it found her boring? She paused as if thinking for a moment, while still studying the suspended creature. "Entertainment you want, entertainment you'll get." She smiled as if a plan had come to her mind only she was still left blank. But then she really did think of something. Ever since she was young, she was able to make up riddles on the spot, and now she was going to make one for this thing.

"What runs and yet goes no were?" She paused and looked over to Ulrik. "A river." She shrugged and then continued. "A tongue twister perhaps?" The one every one knew.
"How much wood would a woodchuck chuck
if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
He would chuck, he would, as much as he could,
and chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would
if a woodchuck could chuck wood."

She finished her lyrics, eyes narrowed to watch the faceless being. She wasn't good at anything else and quite frankly what else would this creature want? She couldn't sing, dance or make music. She sighed and just watched the floating horror before her, wondering what it was and why it wanted entertainment. Her ruby eyes flickered to those around her, what was their purpose for being here? What was to gain from trying to entertain this bizarre thing?

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RE: Play & be played. [non-specific mythical companion] - by Hana - 05-29-2013, 04:45 PM

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