the Rift

[OPEN] Echoes in the Wind

Illynx the GildedBlade Posts: 413
Hidden Account atk: 7.5 | def: 11.5 | dam: 3
Mare :: Unicorn :: 16hh :: 13 HP: 67.5 | Buff: ENDURE
Kyst :: Common Griffon :: Zapping Jab Bunnie

tell me that you want to dance, want to feel your pulse on mine
just treat me like a stolen glance of yourself.

The other mare was much younger than Illynx had first thought her to be, now that she really took a good look at her face. She assumed that this was the bay mare's first set of life experiences, and the thought gave her chills; such innocence and naivety was a rare find in these parts, most of her encounters having been with individuals who had seen some trace of struggle and difficulty in their lives. But this - this was a fresh slate, a mind to mold into whatever shape best fit the Basin's needs. Illynx was pleased to discover that the mare was already absorbed in her essence, grudgingly deciding that she too had grown a mild curiousity in this new arrival in the simple discovery of sparkling, luminescent innocence in the pit of her deeply blue eyes. The subtle smile upon the charcoal hued maw of the corporal widened as the stranger bowed her head in a return salute, her face riddled with a complex meshing of emotions that read, "I wish to belong with you, here." At least, thought the deep bay mare to herself, she had enough sense to have come home with the right species, and that alone meant she was worthy of Illynx's time and efforts. After all, the fem had simply vanished from the Basin without a word to anyone, returning with as much stealth as she had slipped away with, and not a soul had challenged her; it seemed only fair to return the kindesses that her newly discovered "family" could provide - however disgusting the word sounded in her head when she used it to describe any of her herd members but Psyche.

Blackened ears twitched forward as the sweet young girl's voice struck out, her youth further revealed by her words; age had seemed to soften Illynx, however, as she felt no repulsion at her youthfulness, the golden sheen about every one of her syllables. The one who had brought her here, Huyana, was a mare that Illynx could remember from the Basin before she had left on her journey, and while she could place a face to her (just vaguely), she couldn't say that she had ever shared words with the other unicorn on any occassion. The line seperating Illynx from others grew darker at this thought, drew her eyes more fully into awareness of the bay, who still had not told her what she was called; overly eager, she had forgotten the main rule of courtesy in a rush to answer all the questions that had been dumped at her, Illynx decided, until the mare spoke again, causing her reasoning to adjust to sheer nervousness. "May I ask...What is a corporal? Are there other ranks in this herd?" Illynx smiled, laughter shimmering inside of her heart at the thought that she had managed to convince this poor dear that she was far more important than she really was, as far as the herd as a whole was concerned. But what drew Illynx's amusement was not the confusion; it was the simple fact that she emulated dominance to such a degree that other's simply forgot their manners around her, regardless of her decision to keep her herdly responsibilities to a minimum.

"Simply a soldier who has proven the virtue of her sword, love, third tier," she said, her golden eyes brightening at the mention of weaponry and trailing to the long, black appendage that spiraled from Huyana's apprentice's brow, "should you have a sword of any use. There are ranks to be had for those with other skills, however." She pondered the value of this woman's horn, whether it was capable of maiming, of taking a life. She could not find it in the sapphire eyes of the other unicorn, and wondered if perhaps it was hidden behind that ferocious loyalty that already burned behind the mare's eyes. The question could only be answered by the other herself. "Perhaps you are crafter? A healer? What does your soul yearn for? Every dream has its place." And its definition. Illynx believed that there was no greater achievement in life than being a successful blade, the line of defense between foe and friends, but she also knew that others had their place, no matter how weak they may be when pitted against another; even a warrior could die of their wounds with no healing, and a wound could have been prevented by a piece of armor, but still she found she had the deepest respect only for soldiers.

To her right, the sound of crackling ice drew her head around to find a purple filly standing in the distance, watching the two women converse. Illynx's golden eyes widen as she discovers that the foal, in place of mane and tail, was streaming tendrils of delightfully blue smoke, her face detailed with shimmering patterns. Isn't she a pretty little thing, Illynx thinks to herself, nose lowering nearer the ground and ears pricked forward in a sort of welcome to the little one. A nicker escaped her mouth, soft and harmonious, shortly followed by her sultry voice, "It would seem we have company," she humorously stated, turning her visage back to Huyana's catch, amusement writ across her features.

[ooc: Oh Angel! I was gonna ask if Illynx and Sielu could meet and there she is. :3]

Magic/assault allowed to be used on Illynx at any time, in so far as it does not kill or seriously maim her without my permission. 

Messages In This Thread
Echoes in the Wind - by Zima - 05-26-2013, 08:07 PM
RE: Echoes in the Wind - by Illynx - 05-29-2013, 08:15 AM
RE: Echoes in the Wind - by Zima - 05-29-2013, 07:24 PM
RE: Echoes in the Wind - by Sielu - 05-29-2013, 09:19 PM
RE: Echoes in the Wind - by Illynx - 05-30-2013, 12:44 PM
RE: Echoes in the Wind - by Zima - 05-30-2013, 06:16 PM
RE: Echoes in the Wind - by Sielu - 06-01-2013, 11:14 AM
RE: Echoes in the Wind - by Illynx - 06-04-2013, 08:12 AM
RE: Echoes in the Wind - by Zima - 06-06-2013, 05:01 PM
RE: Echoes in the Wind - by Sielu - 06-11-2013, 03:35 PM
RE: Echoes in the Wind - by Illynx - 06-12-2013, 11:46 AM

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