the Rift

New place, clean slate. [FINISHED]

Panzram Posts: N/A
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Step after step, Panzram, the dark stallion with blinding gold accents, carried on. All thoughts of finding a home, finding a herd, finding anyone for that matter, have depleted to nearly nothing. At least for tonight they have, tomorrow would be a different story… hopefully. After the decision of placing himself into a suitable harem had been made, the winged Panzram continued for about a mile or so more before bringing his youngly, overworked appendages to a halt. From what he could remember, it was always hard to get his body into any sort of maximum effort, which could be and is put to blame on that cruel (once upon a time) ruler of Panzram’s long lost life. Stifling a snort of distaste, the ebony brute allowed his cranium to lower towards the snow covered ground until his muzzle was but a few inches above the soft powder.

With golden eyes gleaming by the minimum light of the moon, Panzram searched for any sign of vegetation jutting up out of the slushy, ivory substance. Nothing. Slowly, the new comer to Helovia lifted his skull back up to its primary location. After giving a quick shake of his head, in order to clear his sight of stray strands of purple forlock, Panzram started the sudden sound of crunching snow. Once he’d given up on his search for others of his species, the Pegasus stallion had also foolishly dropped his guard. It was fairly late at evening, Panzram just simply didn’t think anyone was going to be showing their face at this time night.

Interest and curiosity forced the gentle giant to lean closer as to where the alarming sound had come from, bright eyes narrowing for a clear appearance. The stranger was clearly of his race, but never had he seen one of his own with things growing from their heads. Yes, Panzram had been witness to a few unicorns, but for the most part the society that he grew up in had nothing but winged creatures running about. Hope for his earlier plans sparking eagerly about in his disconnected brain, the ebony cloaked stallion took a shy step forward, reliving his out stretched neck of its strange protrusion. Although it was still unclear whether this weird collection of two different species of the horse breed was in fact safe to approach, Panzram took yet another step closer, mystified by the two hooked horns sprouting from hybrids cranium.

Welcome to Helovia Sir. My name is Hector of the Dragons Throat herd. Who might you be?” Well, he was in fact safe to approach, so that was certainly good because Panzram wished to ask about the other males existence… he wasn’t about to be rude though, he’d just keep that little question for waayyy later. Drawing away from his staring, the dark yet bright colored Pegasus fixated himself on the whole presence of this Hector… but he wasn’t exactly looking at him. Something odd was blocking out a full and clear view of the chestnut hybrid. Deciding to put this little distraction aside for the moment, Panzram, with a smile pulling at his weary facials, gave nod at the others greeting then selflessly gave up his own title. “Why thank you kind fellow, I am called Panzram. It’s a pleasure to be in your company, Hector, I’ve been traveling for many conversationless days and appreciate the chance to talk with you. Want you please tell me more of this herd you call Dragons Throat?” This kind of information was exactly the kind that Panzram had been searching for, and was now longing to hear about. A new life here in Helovia was waiting for him, and how he hoped it would be much better than the once life that he had and could remember.

Messages In This Thread
New place, clean slate. [FINISHED] - by Panzram - 06-05-2013, 02:56 PM
RE: New place, clean slate. [OPEN] - by Hector - 06-05-2013, 05:18 PM
RE: New place, clean slate. [OPEN] - by Panzram - 06-05-2013, 06:34 PM
RE: New place, clean slate. [OPEN] - by Apollo - 06-05-2013, 07:46 PM
RE: New place, clean slate. [OPEN] - by Hector - 06-06-2013, 04:49 PM
RE: New place, clean slate. [OPEN] - by Panzram - 06-07-2013, 10:30 AM
RE: New place, clean slate. [OPEN] - by Apollo - 06-07-2013, 11:53 PM
RE: New place, clean slate. [OPEN] - by Panzram - 06-12-2013, 08:11 AM

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