the Rift

[OPEN] Daunting Lillies or Sweet Chainsaws

Zdravilo Posts: N/A
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”Why would I want Mauja dead?”

After a short passionate speech, I got a few words. Well it was something. Yet, I wanted to know why she turned down the Mauja part. In a flicker of an eyelash, a smile came onto my face. "Do we have a Sun God fan here?" I winked at her quickly. I was kidding around, hoping she'd get it was a joke. Yet maybe in the future she'd really like him, who knows.

"Valka, what interests you most in the entire universe? Objects, professions... anything." I smiled softly waiting for her response. My ivory tail slapping against my butt cheeks, then resting before restarting the process of smacking. My ivory lashes blinking a few times.

Valka was strange, yet interesting.

My gaurd went back down as I intently listen to her for an answer. I've always been fascinated by the Earth. The facts that the Earth spins at four thousand miles an hour and never stops, or the fact we somehow go around the sun. My parents told me it was called gravy ity... or something like that. I don't really remember, considering I was a tiny foal, with a short term memory.

To be honest, I don't remember much of my childhood. I just remember being an explorer with a fake sword and imaginary crew members. That was the life! No worrying about wars and stuff happening. I didn't care about magic or anything. I was what one would call, carefree. I think I still am carefree...

OOC - Crappy crappy short.

Messages In This Thread
Daunting Lillies or Sweet Chainsaws - by Zdravilo - 05-20-2013, 09:37 PM
RE: Daunting Lillies or Sweet Chainsaws - by Zdravilo - 06-01-2013, 08:40 PM
RE: Daunting Lillies or Sweet Chainsaws - by Zdravilo - 06-15-2013, 12:04 AM

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