the Rift

[PRIVATE] I'm the one who lost the view (panzram)

Panzram Posts: N/A
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With golden eyes softly closed behind dark lids, Panzram lifted his cranium upwards. Upwards into the icy wind and upwards into the sun's warming rays, which took just enough of the coldness from Frostfall's malicious wraith for the stallion to get out and stretch his wings. They ached terribly from such excessive exercise, but that was expected from the lack of use on his long (very long) journey into Helovia, but all that muscle soreness didn't really matter to him right now. The only actual things that he was comprehending at the moment was the feeling of rushed air that his mane and tail we're receiving, and ever so often the jerk of it as his wings battered at the ground as it passed by silently bellow. 

The great silence could only hold up for so long though, sooner or later something had to give, and it did with a cry. It wasn't the sort that sent shivers down another's spine, and it wasn't the kind that made brave souls come a running to the beholders defense. No, because in fact, it was quite welcoming.

Panzram, after a while of debating whether or not he had been spotted and was the one being called to, opened his eyes to find himself soaring over a field. It was barren, no vegetation harboring it's once vast collection of food but snow. Which was why it was so easy to locate the one whom shouted out. A mare by her features, and a Pegasus by her ebony wings. The way things were starting to look, it seemed as if she hadn't even noticed him flying about just above her head yet. There was no one else to be found shuffling about in the white meadow, so Panzram came to the conclusion that she was most probably looking for someone to interact with. The call must have been meant to inform others near by of her presence. 

Being the sort of gentleman that he was, Panzram wasn't just going to pass right on by without dropping in with a few words of politeness.

After circling around, the stallion with the fluorescent coloring highlighting his dark bodily features  dove down for a smooth, gentle landing. With wings beating till his hooves touched ground, Panzram pulled his lips back in a big friendly smile. Snow crunching bellow his hefty weight, he moved boldly toward the beautifully decorated sorrel as his relieved wings tucked neatly at his sides. "Good evening miss. I hope you don't mind my intrusion, I heard your call and thought you might be searching for company." Sliding his cranium down into a bow of respect, he brought his appendages to a halt at a very honorable distance from the lovely lady. "My name is Panzram, of the Grey." It was weird introducing himself with the addition of his herd, but he kind of liked it.


Messages In This Thread
I'm the one who lost the view (panzram) - by Selene - 06-13-2013, 11:20 PM
RE: I'm the one who lost the view (panzram) - by Panzram - 06-15-2013, 12:53 PM
RE: I'm the one who lost the view (panzram) - by Selene - 06-15-2013, 11:11 PM
RE: I'm the one who lost the view (panzram) - by Panzram - 06-19-2013, 03:27 PM
RE: I'm the one who lost the view (panzram) - by Selene - 07-11-2013, 05:46 PM

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