the Rift

[PRIVATE] I'm the one who lost the view (panzram)

Panzram Posts: N/A
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Panzram stood still and quiet, his golden eyes peering through the puffs of bellowed smoke coming from each exhale that was dealt from his nasal passage at the fiery essa as she made her way over towards him. She brought a smile taut with laughter to his ebony facials whilst she stumbled and sunk about in the field of snow. It was rather an unusual thing to watch, almost reminded him of a fox as it plunged into the powdery substance in search of a meal, but as she began to solve the problematic situation with the flapping of her great black wings... the scene proved to give the image of an owl. Not at all starting out with an ounce of elegance as she started across the few yards that separated them from each other, the sweet looking Pegasus ended with a graceful rendition and continued her approach with flirtatious smoothness about her moves. 

It was strange seeing another mare bat her eyelashes and use that silky tone of seduction which most kept locked behind venomous fangs that others referred to as just simple teeth. The only other woman to ever use those feminine traits on him had been the rebellious Aero. Her presence was desperately missed, but she was gone an there was nothing that could be done to bring her back. 

- so why was there this voice in the back of his head screaming for rejection -

"Well, it's certainly nice to meet you, Selene of the Endless Blue." With yet another inner struggle beginning to plague his mind, Panzram decided to keep the conversation simple, pull gently away from the flirtations and slowly enter a 'friend' zone. Again he'd give into the pleas of someone he once knew and was, but wasn't anymore. That didn't mean he was about to disrespectively shoot the kind girl down though. "I don't doubt it is beautiful, I shall have to make a trip down there to see for myself when ever I find that I have the time." Apollo had spoken of such a wondrous place to him upon their trek up into the Foothills, a delicate location with bronzed beaches and water that sparkles in the sun as far as the eye can see. The only problem that might occur would be finding the possible time to venture down and take a look at the vast ocean for himself when and if his apprenticeship begins. "If I'm lucky, perhaps I'll wander upon you again, and maybe receive a proper tour." Giving a smile, the dark stallion found himself searching through the depths of Selene's crimson eyes. 

With a shiver rippling down his spine in response to such an action, the gold dusted man forced a quick shaking of his cranium and then a step back, playing off the movements by flicking off the iced clotted snow around each hoof before coming to a stand still again. This time though, he was forced out of his quietness with the question of his place of residency sprouting from the young fae's lips. Unable to help the nervous uprising from happening within his gut, Panzram searched desperately for the right words. Who was he, a new comer, to describe a herd more well known amongst other Helovian's than himself, an actual member of the Grey... "Hmmm, I'm not so sure that I'm the right person to be explaining this to you, considering the fact that I've only just fallen into their ranks, but I'll give it my best shot."

Assuring the lady with a nod of his head, Panzram cleared his throat and hoped that what ever was about to come out of his mouth wasn't going to be a complete and total fail at describing the Grey. "We reside at the very foot of a mountainous range, and although everything is frozen right now, it is quite the outstanding place, both during and after Frostfall. I have yet to accustom myself with all of the Grey, we still believe ourselves to be family, a family of mercenaries mind you, but trust me when I say that we are not all blood and gore as such a name entitles."


Messages In This Thread
I'm the one who lost the view (panzram) - by Selene - 06-13-2013, 11:20 PM
RE: I'm the one who lost the view (panzram) - by Panzram - 06-15-2013, 12:53 PM
RE: I'm the one who lost the view (panzram) - by Selene - 06-15-2013, 11:11 PM
RE: I'm the one who lost the view (panzram) - by Panzram - 06-19-2013, 03:27 PM
RE: I'm the one who lost the view (panzram) - by Selene - 07-11-2013, 05:46 PM

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