the Rift

Chapter I :: You are not the same as the horses here. [Tingal to Hestia]

Hestia Posts: N/A
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"Birch may stay with the Foothills."
- Birch is not sought.

"You have failed to protect yourself, Tingal."
- Tingal was sought.

Let the world be your backyard. - Tingal is an outcast without a set home. [outcast reference]

Held by Earthly bonds. - Tingal is tied to the Earth by 'bonds' because he lacks wings or a sort of magic to fly. [species reference]

Your not a specific thing, - Tingal is a hybrid of a tiger and a horse. A tiger x horse is not a scientifically known so he doesn't fit in a specific place. [species reference]

Yet you seem to be everything. - This is a bit of an exaggeration, but it is another clue to him being a hybrid. [hybrid reference]

Title - You are not the same as the horses here. - He is the only one of his kind (tiger horse.)[species population/uniqueness reference]

Messages In This Thread
RE: Chapter I :: You are not the same as the horses here. - by Hestia - 06-29-2013, 02:37 PM
RE: Chapter I :: You are not the same as the horses here. - by Boom Boom - 06-29-2013, 04:01 PM

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