the Rift

The World I Know

Casimir Posts: N/A
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A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable
but more useful than a life spent doing nothing

The mare looks at me curiously, as if I'm some sort of strange creature. Could it be my eyes? They had always been a brighter color since I was mostly blind, but no one had ever really stared at them. Well I don't really know, since I couldn't ever tell I suppose. Was it my horns? I know they were strange since one was curved upwards and the other was normal looking...and I did have two after all. Oh god, why am I getting all self conscious? This mare was pretty...oh god why did she have to be pretty? She came closer to me, her voice soft as she walked within inches of me. Our bodies were close, and I could feel a bit of heat coming off of her. I was going to faint, I think.

But no, I managed to answer somehow, while my body took a head dive into itself. My voice sounded sleepy, and I'm not sure how I looked, but I didn't even care. It was walking on air.

"It is Frostfall, my lady, the season for snow and coldness. However, there is other things going on besides that. The Gods have disappeared, leaving us to fend for ourselves. There is no Moon, no Sun, and the sky is not filled with stars, because the creators of this land, which is called Helovia, are gone. It is a sad time, but one that maidens should not be running about alone. A daughter you say?"

Shit. Why did she have to have a daughter? What beauty brought more beauty into the world, without knowing it? A daughter. She was indeed perfect. I had always wanted to raise a family, and perhaps a foal of my own...oh what the hell am I saying? There was no way this mare would fall for me, just look at me...what is wrong! I wanted to bang my head up again the bark of the nearby tree, but I resisted it well. But there was sadness tied deep within her voice, and I had to approach that first. I couldn't just ignore it. It stuck with me, took away my attention.

"I am truly sorry to here for the loss of your family. But you have a daughter, yes? So I should think you would still have a family, since you have a child of your own. Your daughter would surly be welcomed among the Foothills, I don't see a reason why not. Our own two Chieftess have foals, and both have given birth to more recently. The Grey is a family of mercenaries, and we are tough together, but a foal would be well protected in our land. I myself have no purpose yet because I am almost completely blind, but I do know how to fight, and if you have any such talents as to help our family, then you would have a place beside me...I mean us. Please, you should come now, this darkness is not good to stay in for too long. I will protect you on the way. What is it you say, my lady?"

OCC: I'm going to start a thread for Mesec set before this, so he'll know what's happening. Also OMG -flails- I can't believe he just fell in love with her xD That's the first time he's ever done this <3
walk walk walk
"Talk talk talk".

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Messages In This Thread
The World I Know - by Rose - 06-29-2013, 11:26 PM
RE: The World I Know - by Casimir - 06-30-2013, 05:17 PM
RE: The World I Know - by Rose - 06-30-2013, 06:32 PM
RE: The World I Know - by Casimir - 07-03-2013, 07:17 PM
RE: The World I Know - by Rose - 07-04-2013, 04:06 PM

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