the Rift

[OPEN] days come and go [birthing; rasta, apodis, lead]

Apodis Posts: 39
Hidden Account
Stallion :: Equine :: 15.3 :: 12 Buff: NOVICE
Apodis Wrote:
I've become much too good at being invincible, I'm an expert at play it safe, and keep it cool
But I swear this isn't who I'm meant to be, I refuse to let my life roll all over me...

He limps forward as they make haste towards these safe lands of the herd from which Sohalia had come forth. fowlloing instructions he guided the two mares, Rasta was possibly just wanting to race ahead of him, much like the first time they had met. He'd challenged her to a race, just trying to show of, only she had sped of in front, only karma got a hold of her, causing her to slip upon some black ice. That was when he decided to go above himself and stay by her side. Eventually leading to his pledging to be her bodygaurd. It was in his bloodlines to protect, but also to fight.

Occasionaly he fell back to make sure Rasta was okay, though he knew from experince the Fae was quite capable. It was just upon him to make sure both girls were doing okay. The wind howling through the tree's made the treck somewhat more dangerous than it already were. The lack of sun and moon left no light upon the lands; Thirty days of night. He'd seen this before, though this he could tell was different, also the fact Sohalis hed formentioned the God's leaving this land, Magic
unable to be used and the place drenched with darkness, pretty much gave that away.

Apodis had been to the lands called Nocturne. There they were iced over pretty much half the year and darkness fell upon the lands for a few days a year. The place had been just been much like this; so he asumed. Guessing from the looks of Sohalia, this place was also of mixed races. Something that wasn't really much of a big deal to him, everyone was the same, Having wings didn't make them better, just beacuse they could fly And having a horn didn't make you stronger because you could impale people better. Yes you had your strengths, but with that came a weakness, just like everyone else. To each their own.

His limp got more pronouced the longer they walked, but he knew if they stopped wolves could attack, if not something worse. The forest were full of things that nobody had ever seen before, know one fully knew what was lurking beyond the darkness; now pretty much everywhere. red eyes. His step flatered as if he'd taken a slight stumble, those eye's haunted him still. The life force insied his chest began beating wildly, with the memories plagueing his mind. Shake it of young man. He can get you here. Breathe Soldier, Breathee An large intake of air filled his lungs to the max capacity. He turned back to look at Rasta, just making sure she was still there. Checking that his brain wasn't playing tricks upon him, that this all wasn't a dream.

When the sound of something heavy sounds within his mind, The Golden Soldier stops abruptly, turning to find Sohalia laid upon the ground, ragged breathing struck the mare. He knew what was happening, but he froze solid. Not sure what to do with himself. Unsure if the she would accept his help or not and he didn't want to start of on bad terms. So he stood close to her, standing just infornt of her incase someone aproached from that pathway. "Rasta, keep an ear out for anything" He knew she would anyway, she always did and he was faithful upon her doing.

He dark amber hoof struck the ground as he waited, senceing the pain she was in only made him more aggitated. He could tell that this Mare knew what she was doing however and left it up to her to ask for help. It wasn't too long untill the smell of new lifr filled the air, his mind relaxed as golden orbs flicked down to the foal at Sohalia's feet, taking in its first breath of fresh air. He felt a wave of pride run through him to witness such a thing. Almost as if he had been chosen to witness
the birth of her child.

"Zenobia" he spoke gently "I like that" his voice was cheery and full of the new feelings that filled the air. Taking a step towards the mare and foal, but kept a slight distance at the same time, reaching out towards the foal with a lowered cranium, he sniffed at her gently; without so much as touching her. "Welcome little one" He chatised lightly. Picking his head back up to look over towards Sohalia. "We should move on, are you well enough to walk. This place isnt far is it? I can feel the boarders close by" He took a step back and placed himself behind Sohalia. Now it was her turn to lead the way.

"Talk talk talk."

[Image: 525f791c057b6]64HP
[Image: 52878c6669a55]
Lines by bronzehalo

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RE: days come and go [birthing; rasta, apodis, lead] - by Apodis - 07-05-2013, 05:32 AM

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