the Rift

[OPEN] days come and go [birthing; rasta, apodis, lead]

Rasta Posts: 305
Hidden Account atk: 7 | def: 10 | dam: 3
Mare :: Equine :: 14.1hh :: six (ages in Tallsun) HP: 62 | Buff: NOVICE
Ettore :: Red-Tailed Hawk :: None Abba
give me your eyes for just one second,
give me your eyes so i can see
everything that i keep missing

Rasta's feet clicked against the terrain lightly, barely audibly. She was careful, cautious, uncertain. She wasn't convinced that this land was totally safe. As the mare had said, it was shrouded in darkness - she could feel the coolness as it pressed up against her frame in an attempt to chill her soul. Dangers lurked in the night and she wasn't one to take too fondly with their presence. Her audits twirled around, taking in each noise as it filtered into her ears. She lifted her legs up in snapping motions, taking the time to figure out where the next root was off of the minuscule vibrations before allowing her flint to be planted into the sodden earth to feel for the next vibrations.

Each time Apodis fell back to be certain she was okay she stretched out her maw and bumped his shoulder to make sure he kept moving. She was fine. She didn't need him by her side every single second. Occasionally, her silken soprano chords would chime out, warning of a thicker root that would be easy to trip over, and with her unable to tell if their path was lit or not she offered the guidance, explaining exactly where the root was in relation to their own hooves.

That was when she felt something start to go amiss with Apodis. He stumbled a little, and he had been carrying a nasty limp. As she opened her mouth to ask if he was okay she felt his heart racing. Instantly she began to search to see if she could feel something that would be causing it. "Soldier? You okay? You're carrying a nasty limp? Is there something flying toward us? I don't feel anything..." She spoke, uncertainly, speeding up just enough to feel him turn to look at her. She rested her maw against his shoulder in an attempt to comfort the soldier who, for all she knew, seemed to be lost in his own world.

Of course, her comforting moment was pushed instantenously to the back of her mind when she feels the vibrations of contractions shudder through Sohalia's frame. Not long after is the mare - drenched in her own sweat - collapsing to her knees and then falling onto her side. A stream of curses escaped the mare's maw as tears began to stream down her face. Apodis stationed himself before her as Rasta pulled up to the winged one's side, her maw brushing the tears away. Keep an ear out. "I haven't changed, Apodis. I always am." she alerted him before wiping another tear from the mare's cheek and then offering her soothing sweet nothings in an attempt to keep her mind off of the pain. She knew that pain. She knew how bad it was. So, the fact that this mare was able to grit her teeth and not scream was one that gained her multitudes more of respect in Rasta's eyes. She was strong. Much stronger than she thought she was from the interactions they had been through just recently.

As soon as she could feel the foal and the tension escape the winged-one's frame Rasta gave her a comforting nuzzle to the mare's forehead and then backed up, giving her the room to get to her feet if she so pleased. And, it seemed as though the mare did, clambering to her feet before beginning to clean the foal before her. Rasta cannot help to smile as a whinny escapes the young one's maw and she feels the grin upon the mother's face who has now christened the baby with the name of Zenobia. "A beautiful name for a beautiful foal, ma'am," Rasta says with a slight bob of her head. Apodis chimed in, saying he liked the name as well before reaching out to the foal as if to take it in and welcoming it to the world. And then, of course, he says that they should move forward asking if she was well enough to walk. Claiming he could feel the border. But, she knew he couldn't feel the faint vibrations of the wall that seemed to be partially built. "I can feel a wall not too far off, if that is the border. Though I'm not sure she should move just yet - the foal shouldn't be able to walk too far right now..." Rasta said, 'watching' as Apodis positioned himself behind the new mother. Rasta, also falling behind her and resting at Apodis' side. They were so close, but she also didn't want to push the newborn and the mother anymore than was necessary and she couldn't feel any dangers at the moment. So unless someone was flying above them like a vulture preparing to attack there should be no difficulties.

803 words
@[Sohalia] && @[Apodis]
So adorable -squee-
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RE: days come and go [birthing; rasta, apodis, lead] - by Rasta - 07-05-2013, 05:59 AM

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