the Rift

You wanna dance? Let's Dance. [voodoo - nev]

Voodoo Posts: 231
Outcast atk: 7.5 | def: 10 | dam: 2.5
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 16.2 :: Eight :: Birdsong HP: 61.5 | Buff: NOVICE
Ouija :: Arctic Fox :: None Nevada
tear me open pour me out,
inside there's things that scream and shout

The snow fell lazily, twirling and spinning through the lightless air. No moon, no stars, nothing to guide us but the unnaturally glowing trees, and even those were only in certain spots. I stood in the darkness with my back right hoof cocked, perched on it's end. The wind howled high in the mountain points, leaving the air motionless down here at our level. I had only been home for a while now, and the cold greetings of the Basin were quite welcoming, no matter how many times I felt the tundra beneath my hooves. Crimson eyes stared ahead at nothing, as I was wandering my mind. Nice to be back, huh boy? I silently agreed; it was very nice to be back actually.

Small flakes gathered on my flat back, tumbling over each other as they built up into a small pile, falling back down to the frozen earth. An unfamiliar scent circulated through the air, following closely by a screeching whinny. Mares I rolled my eyes. Then it hit me, why the fuck was some one all the way over there making all that noise? My limbs reacted, pulling me toward the source of the shrill cry. My swift stride carried me easily through the snow in a slow canter; my black, knotted tail arching as I moved. Red rimmed ears rotated around like satellite dishes, taking in every possible sound.

I moved over the flat plane for what seemed like forever, finding that my eyes were far more adjusted to the darkness than I believed they had been. A tiny body, fully devoured in wings that blended with her dark hide, formed in the distance; the appendages that draped at her sides signified that she was now trespassing. A fire ignited in my belly, licking at every numb emotion that had taken over my bland, tired mind. Ears laid back on my dark neck, hiding under the messy tangled mane that blew over my nape. I slowed down, my pulse rising as I neared the mare. Finally I stopped a few yards away, glaring at the female.

"What the fuck do you want?" The words rolled from my mouth in a raspy, cold voice. The only emotion I had endured within the past two weeks; anger. Irrational anger. I lifted my front right hoof, striking out at the powdery layer of snow. The fluffy flakes drifted through the air, flailing back down to the ground just as quickly. My blood boiled and popped in my veins, assuring my body that I surely was still alive. Crimson eyes glared at the female in slits.

I ignored the babbling in my head, the screaming and swearing and cursing as they pleaded for me to strike at the much smaller mare. This was my home, no matter how little I am ever here; and I am going to protect it. Gnarled, chipped hooves raised from the contrasting powder once more, bringing me closer to the female; hopefully ending my stride at her right side. Red lips pulled back to reveal a yellow stained, wicked grin. Saliva drooped from the roof of my mouth, wrapping around the outside of my jaw and sliding up my face along with the force of air.

I aimed at the rat's throat, hoping to grapple onto her wind pipe and just get it over with. If not, I expected to at least get a nasty mouthful of the meat on her neck. I had been wandering alone with my thoughts for weeks, refusing to return home due to lack of mental energy. I have been growing, from what I can tell, slowly getting bigger; though my thoughts were just as scattered and jumbled as they'll ever be. They had been nice to me though, ever since I had actually started contemplating suicide. That was such a horrifying though to the group that it would cause them to turn into a loving family that wished nothing but the best for me. Now, that I have returned to the cold valley, they have urged me on to get the unfamiliar taste -well, scent.. feel.. the texture- of blood.

Word Count: 691
Summary: Moves into an attack just after rhetorically questioning Hestia's presence; bites at her wind pipe, hoping to quickly injure her.
Moves: 1/4
Companion: NA
Tagged: @[Hestia]
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You wanna dance? Let's Dance. [voodoo - nev] - by Hestia - 07-04-2013, 09:50 PM

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