the Rift

I'm Wide Awake; Seele, Asylum

Seele the Necromancer Posts: 210
Deceased atk: 5.5 |
Mare :: Unicorn :: 14.2 hh :: five (ages orangemoon) Buff: NOVICE
Pulling myself so that I was standing taller I allowed my smirk to place itself upon my maw. He doesn't know what he's getting himself into, mein puppe. But it will be good for him. He will learn. And it will be amusing. Schwere rambled, his pride causing him to continue to spill all of his thoughts through my brain as though it was flooding water.

The stag's voice flooded through the air as he gave a nod and a quick smirk. Trust. Hah. Trust was gained not given. "I don't know. Perhaps you shouldn't act like a lion circling it's prey. You do realize the lioness is the one who kills, Recke." I said with a smirk as he pinned his ears once more as I shuffled my feet before explaining about all of these misfits and the herd of which he was going to. giving an explanation on my voices and how I was waiting on questing. Don't give away too much, mein puppe! Watch your tongue. Schwere chastised before falling silent again.

The stag before me frowned, eyeing me for a second before striding up closer to my side. He had called me Fuhrer. An amused smirk covered my maw as I looked up toward his larger frame. "Right now, if you so wish. But, before we do so you must pledge your allegiance to us. Any betrayal will result in a punishment much worse than death - something you seem to be familiar with..." I explained, power pooling off of my tongue as I met his gaze only to see him seem to freeze in place - almost as though he had just thought of something new. He wants your name. How does he know Fuhrer isn't your name? mocked Unheil with a vibrating laugh as I raised an eyebrow. "How do you know Fuhrer isn't my name, Jasper. What would you say if it actually was?" I retorted before letting out a small laugh.

And then, his nostrils flared and he seemed to lose himself - his eyes distant. He was off like a rocket after a deer. My eyes struggling to keep up with his frame in the darkness as I floated after him, watching the hooves slash into the ribs and the deer continue to struggle. The cries of pain escaping it's maw. "Kill it already" I muttered before starting to head off. "I am Seele. Now, come if you wish to pledge this allegiance to the herd, otherwise I will dispose of you once we are outside of this threshold so you can find someone to haunt." I grumbled, shifting my weight a little as I placed my feet carefully across the uneven terrain toward the black canvas of the world we lived in.

478 words
Thread done after your response I think? and then you can post requesting change to outcast.
If you're warm, then you can't relate to me
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Glory and Gore go Hand in Hand
That's Why We're Making Headlines
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Messages In This Thread
I'm Wide Awake; Seele, Asylum - by Jasper - 07-06-2013, 01:31 AM
RE: I'm Wide Awake; Seele, Asylum - by Seele - 07-06-2013, 03:26 PM
RE: I'm Wide Awake; Seele, Asylum - by Jasper - 07-07-2013, 03:40 AM
RE: I'm Wide Awake; Seele, Asylum - by Seele - 07-07-2013, 06:42 AM
RE: I'm Wide Awake; Seele, Asylum - by Jasper - 07-11-2013, 03:40 PM
RE: I'm Wide Awake; Seele, Asylum - by Seele - 07-13-2013, 09:00 PM

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