the Rift

[OPEN] days come and go [birthing; rasta, apodis, lead]

Rasta Posts: 305
Hidden Account atk: 7 | def: 10 | dam: 3
Mare :: Equine :: 14.1hh :: six (ages in Tallsun) HP: 62 | Buff: NOVICE
Ettore :: Red-Tailed Hawk :: None Abba
give me your eyes for just one second,
give me your eyes so i can see
everything that i keep missing

What was going on? So much had drastically changed since the foal had been birthed. Her entire body froze as she listened to the vibrations and the sudden whooshing of wind. Her audits pinned back instantly as a panic settled through her frame. All she could feel was this huge frame. A huge frame of nothingness. She couldn't get her full senses back and all she could feel now were blobs in this state of panic. And then there was something walking up toward them as well. Her breath was knocked out of her as she felt Apodis rear up on his hind legs as a cry of frustration and panic escaped his maw.

And then, he was backing up, close enough that if she had shuffled forward her frame would have been right up against his. He was protecting her, and his hoof was pawing at the ground. Her senses only back enough to take in everything he was doing and to take in her own frame enough to stay standing.

And then another voice broke through the state of panic and her cranium turned toward the noise, attempting to take it in. An explanation of the birthing process and an attempt to bring whatever that figure was down from the defensive stance she could only assume he was in when everything other than Apodis was still a blur to her baffled mind. She asks if they were escorted by Sohalia and Apodis answers for them only to have Sohalia finish it off for them.

I stay quiet, still attempting to figure out my surroundings as I shake my head uncertainly, trying to flick the tears off of my cranium from the anxiety that had taken over my frame. His nose now rubbing against her cheek as he mumbles that they had been joined by others, one falling from the sky. "That's a horrible place for a horse," she whispered, her voice wavering in uncertainty. As she finished speaking his frame shifted closer to her side before pulling at her forelock as he groomed out the knots. Taking care to push the forelock out of her eyes as he massaged up against her pole and then continued to take the knots out. Then, he rested his maw up against the side of her nostrils and nibbled at her whiskers. Carefully, she matched her breathing to Apodis's in order to slow the beating of her heart and get her surroundings again until she could finally feel the huge frame that was separating her from Sohalia and the new foal. Antlers and huge wings ontop of a large frame was present with who she assumed was Gaucho.

This was definitely going to be interesting...

455 words
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RE: days come and go [birthing; rasta, apodis, lead] - by Rasta - 07-15-2013, 07:08 PM

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