the Rift

[OPEN] Sweet Revenge || Psyche

Tonka Posts: 87
Hidden Account
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 18 hh :: 6 Buff: NOVICE


I stood there wondering what to expect of this herd. I had never come to the Basin before, let alone meet a member from here. I knew that they were a racist bunch, and might even think down on me for leading a band of mixed species, but what could be the worst that that could happen. I was not here to cause trouble but the exact opposite. I was here to ask for peace between us and not another enemy. I just hoped that they would understand this.

It was not long until I saw a shadowy figure coming towards me. I looked down and took in a deep breath. I lifted my head up again with pride. I was Tonka, the Assassins leader. I was barely able to see her when she had talked. Her pelt was the color of the darkness and the only thing that stood out was her bright white black and the socks on her feet. She also wore feathers and teeth, and I assumed that those were the ones that’s life was taken away by her. She was smaller than me, but I had learned to never underestimate size.

Well, hello, darling. You're quite brave to wander through the Steppe during these odd times, aren't you? Her voice cut the silence of night like a blade slicing through one’s flesh. My ears flicked forward, and I looked at her shadow like figure. “I live actually in the Frozen Arch, so it is not that far of a walk.” He replied, a slight smile growing on his maw. The femme asked him to walk with her and explain his reasoning to be here. He hesitated for a second before crossing the border, but placed a hoof into the Basin territory.

“Yes, I will walk. I have come on behalf of the Assassins. I think I remember my old leader telling me that she came to talk to you. Her name was Ignita. Anyway, I would like to offer peace between your large herd, and my small band. I also have revenge to offer for you. Revenge on the Qian for taking over your rightful land, the Worlds Edge. Wouldn’t it be nice to see them fall to their knees, begging for mercy? Once we gain more members in the Assassins, and once we grow stronger, I would like to attempt in taking over their land. It is risky goal, but I live for taking chances, even if the outcome is horrendous. I have just come to not gain more foes, for we have quite a lot down at my end, but to earn some friends to help us succeed our goal.”

The steed paused, almost forgetting to add something, “I am Tonka, by the way. The new leader of the Assassins. And I will presume you are the leader of this fine herd, Psyche? Please correct me if I am wrong.”

Walking "Talking" Thinking

Imagine Dragons by Demons on Grooveshark


Messages In This Thread
Sweet Revenge || Psyche - by Tonka - 07-14-2013, 02:34 PM
RE: Sweet Revenge || Psyche - by Psyche - 07-14-2013, 04:28 PM
RE: Sweet Revenge || Psyche - by Tonka - 07-16-2013, 08:18 PM
RE: Sweet Revenge || Psyche - by Official - 07-21-2013, 07:25 PM

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