the Rift

[Asylum] Lost in the present

Sonya Posts: N/A
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It was not long before the young essa was trembling, both from her fright and the frigid atmosphere that was starting to gnaw at her bones. She noticed the effect the season here was having on her but with her mind in turmoil she didn't exactly feel it. Her priorities were not about the snow killing her slowly. The rising of vapour before her eyes every time she exhaled was starting to become irksome to the uneasy mare because it obscured her sight for a few seconds, which did nothing to sooth her distress, and just as it cleared she would breath out again. In a soft but cold gust of wind, a new scent was blown toward the frozen mare. It was fresh and had that odd twist that indicated the creature wasn't an equine as she was, but rather something merely related to the horse. Flicking her tail anxiously, Sonya soon heard the approach of this unidentified animal. Eyes snapped to the source of the sound, shying back and to the side by a few steps. Her eyes flickered to and fro in the general vicinity of the noise until the unicorn came into sight. A comment reached her perked ears, her curiosity spiked despite everything that was going on. Sonya swallowed but didn't speak. The comment wasn't exactly friendly and besides, she was more interested in the horn and hooves of this strange. They were glass, or at least they looked like that. Sonya had never seen a creature as magnificent as this, and it made her inquisitive and for just a few seconds she could forget her terror as the two watched each other, observing from afar. The silver dapple was not sure what this creature was, only that she was oddly coloured and had a horn stuck on her head. Other than that, she was clearly a mare. At the sound of a faint chuckle, the grulla lowered her ears slightly, uncertainty stirring. Was this female friend or foe?

Fearfully remained where she stood the essa turned her head slightly to eye the approaching figure, more afraid than intrigued by this point. Sonya seemed to withdraw into herself. If it was possible to see someone's personality, confidence and their ego in the form of some sort of bubble around them, this mare's presence was so small it barely covered the ground she stood on. The caution given to her caused concern to grow on Sonya's face slightly, but she remained quite unresponsive for the most part after this. The stranger's tongue whipped out the syllables into the air, and the foreign phrase was completely new to Sonya. At least as far as she aware she didn't know it. Discovering new found stress the grey mare decided not to reply to the words of wisdom. The smirk that accompanied them also scared her, and her throat felt dry with the chilled air that entered her lungs. This mysterious mare frightened her. Her eyes seemed to long for blood to be spilt, and her voice sounded strict, unwelcoming. Just as Sonya was starting to form a judgement about this unfamiliar lass she was offered a home. In complete shock her eyes merely widened, gazing at this mare with a little bit of hope entering her eyes. Hope. Something she'd been praying for had become a reality. Maybe the gods were looking after her after all. This horned equine seemed to be happy to offer her a home. Slowly Sonya nodded to confirm that she needed a place to live, still choosing to remain silent. Her nostrils were quivering. A home would be good but it made her think again. Did she already have a home? What was it like? And then on top of these questions, Sonya wanted to know what home this seal bay femme could give her. The bay was speaking once more within a matter of minutes. The tsking that accompanied the new sentence... it was motherly. For some reason Sonya felt a pain in her chest as she associated this mare's actions with being maternal. Her head shot up in surprise, taking a step back as though she had physically been pushed. Putting the sharp sensation down to the cold air starting to affect other internal organs, she spoke for the first time in spite of her nervousness. "N-no... I w-wouldn't..." her words were stuttered, her fear affecting her speech as much as the subzero temperatures.

Her breath caught as the mare enquired into the life Sonya had lived. What could she say? Foolishly the grulla had hoped that some information would have leaked back into her skull by now. But no. Her mind was as stubbornly silent as ever. Opening her mouth she waited for a few seconds before closing it again. She shook her head slightly, turning her head away from this stranger. She didn't want to waste this mare's time but maybe she would be suitable for this home the mare offered. "I-I don't kn-ow. My... my name is Son-ya but I... I don't-t... remember any-thing else..." Her broken voice was a little bit difficult to understand, her panicked and chaotic emotions evident in her tone. She wished she could have given the mare something more, however there was nothing else she could say that would be totally truthful and honest. She simply didn't know anything else.


Messages In This Thread
[Asylum] Lost in the present - by Sonya - 07-18-2013, 02:23 PM
RE: [Asylum] Lost in the present - by Seele - 07-18-2013, 03:06 PM
RE: [Asylum] Lost in the present - by Sonya - 07-19-2013, 09:32 AM
RE: [Asylum] Lost in the present - by Seele - 07-20-2013, 04:26 PM
RE: [Asylum] Lost in the present - by Sonya - 07-21-2013, 02:36 AM

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