the Rift

God can you hear me? God is missing.

Ayaka Posts: N/A
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Another day without light of day, or the chilling light of night. I had left the bright flames of the Dragon’s throat to come to the deep and dangerous forests to invite one to my safe home. A home with brightness and sandy grounds and fearless herd mates to be accompanied and protected by. I don’t think I could stand living in the wilds with nothing enlighten your path but a few scattered lantern trees. I would go insane without knowing that someone was there to help me when I needed help.

Old, new, and familiar scents flooded into by nostrils. My ears prickled as sounds danced around me. The scared calls of birds and the silent sneaky paws of animals hitting the ground. Then, I smelt something. There were three of them. I adjusted my ears to help pick up the sound of thundering hooves. I then continue from my halted position towards the sound and scent of the three. I forced myself to remember that I must approach with gentleness and calmness and with a smile and a wag of my tail. Some of the creatures here in Helovia are afraid, and even terrified by my kind. But really, who would be afraid of such a friendly one like me? I would never want to hurt one of them. Unless they got me angered that is.

I then saw the three figures of them. Two were unicorns and the other was an equine. They both gave me sort of chills. I was tempted to give a little warning growl and it took everything I had to keep my fur from rising on my neck and back. I knew it was very wrong to judge a book by its cover, but these two just gave me a bad feeling. I closed my eyes, remembering that I was a Dragon’s Throat Sergeant. I needed to be more helpful to the herd and start recruiting. My fiery orbs open with a forced pleasant look. A gentle smile danced on my maw as I approached out of the darkness and into the view of the two large creatures. I could see blood stains on the grey dappled one. I could smell that the grey brute was the new comer, and the red tinted femme and the grey mare were already introduced to this land. The brown one spoke harsh words of truth. Maybe these two weren’t as crazy as I thought.

“She is right.” My voice was sweet and calm. My tail slowly wagged showing a sign of kindness and showing that I was not a threat. “I am Ayaka, Sergeant of the Dragon’s Throat. It is a delight to meet both of you.” My orange gems glanced at the both of them. They landed and stayed on silver orbs of the steed. “Welcome Helovia, the land of everlasting false night.”


Messages In This Thread
God can you hear me? God is missing. - by Zaron - 07-20-2013, 07:33 PM
RE: God can you hear me? God is missing. - by Ayaka - 07-21-2013, 11:22 AM
RE: God can you hear me? God is missing. - by Zaron - 07-21-2013, 04:58 PM
RE: God can you hear me? God is missing. - by Ayaka - 07-22-2013, 08:44 PM
RE: God can you hear me? God is missing. - by Zaron - 07-27-2013, 01:57 AM

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