the Rift

[OPEN] Done pretending, the end [Ktu/herd?]

Ktulu the Constrictor Posts: 509
Outcast atk: 5.0 | def: 9.5 | dam: 6.5
Mare :: Hybrid :: 16.1 :: 7 HP: 70.5 | Buff: ENDURE
Eytan :: Grizzly Bear :: Terrorize ali

For a while Ktulu had known that there was something amiss with her sister. She was absent for days on end and when she was present there was a tension between them that had not been there before. It broke the dark mare's heart that a wedge had been driven between herself and her sister, but she didn't know how to fix what was wrong. She didn't even know for sure what was wrong, she only had the faint idea of what it was. So she'd waited for Ophelia to come forward with what was troubling her and though it took some time her patience was rewarded.

The Constrictor came forward and listened in silence to her sister as she began to speak her decision and her reasoning. A frown marred Ktulu's dark face, but she did not speak up to interrupt her pale sister, instead letting her speak her peace. Somewhere deep inside she had known that this life was not for Ophelia. She was too pure, too kind to be tainted by such violence. She never had been the bad one. Ktulu could not lie to herself, though. The Grey had changed in ways she had not anticipated. When she'd spoken to her sister about founding the group they were to fight for those who could not fight for themselves. The ones that were weak and being picked on and bullied by those who were larger and stronger for no reason.

Now they were the ones being the bullies. It made her stomach churn.

"I do not hold your decision against you." Ktulu finally spoke, her gaze softening for the first time in ages as she looked at her sister. She stepped forward intent on pulling her pale sister into an embrace, but then she stopped. Would Ophelia even want her to touch her considering the dark path she'd brought her down? "I love you, sister. Do well for yourself and know that if you need me I'm will always be here." She stepped back and watched Ophelia, already noting in her mind the changes that would be made within the Grey's ranks. They would go back to what they should have been and not stay the monsters that they had become.

Image Credits

Icon by Tay

Messages In This Thread
Done pretending, the end [Ktu/herd?] - by Ophelia - 07-22-2013, 02:42 PM
RE: Done pretending, the end [Ktu/herd?] - by Ktulu - 07-22-2013, 06:20 PM

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