the Rift

[PRIVATE] You won't find faith or hope down a telescope [Irrydae]

Irrydae Posts: 111
Hidden Account
Mare :: Pegasus :: 16.2hh :: Seven
Her breath catches as she watches him laugh, watching his lithe frame shake lightly and the breathtaking- well, breathtaking to her- smile fills his face. Her eyes crinkle as she she fights a smile at his words. A soft sigh escapes her, mind wandering back to the faint memories of a full year ago. She had been so much different, the mysterious "know-it-all" you could say. Now... well, what was she now? She had an important rank, a wonderful herd and whatever this thing was with Evers. Her heart stutters awkwardly as her mind drifts to that thought. Was it something?

Irrydae had planned to spend her night in the same attitude as she had woken up as- she would have, if she had not found Evers. Now, the nightmare was all but a distant memory in his presence. But now, her sides rise and fall abruptly, heart beating against her ribs and she felt so off guard. Shaky. Awkward. Whatever.

Evers was extremely patient, his gaze growing softer the more her words continued. Irry felt as if she had been knocked off her hooves when the smile dazzles his lips and he steps towards her. Her audits prick forward and she now listens to his wise words. He sounded like such a great figure, so much more wise, as if he was the storyteller or even the Chief again. She stands awestruck at his words, nodding slightly. Indeed, he was her light. '... I will not tell you more, my past is not one to be told aloud and should die with me.' Her stomach drops at that, did he not trust her? Those would have been the words she had told anyone about her past, but, with Evers it was different. She shook it off lightly, understanding why he would think that- she could relate.

'We both seem to be creatures of an abusive history Irrydae, but if anything it has taught me to treasure those I consider close to me. It makes me happy to know you feel you can confide in me ... You are also one I have come to treasure.' His soft eyes were trained on the ground, and Irrydae was in disbelief as she stood stick still, heart sputtering out of control. Golden eyes soften, yet widen in shock and disbelief, knees locking and throat tightening, nearly falling on her face. She inhales roughly, realizing she had not been breathing. Subconsciously, Irrydae stumbles a few steps back, breathing rough and loud. No one had ever had feelings for her- and she had never had feelings for someone. The memory of her mother's last words flashes through her eyes. My orbs flit to my mother, to the pool of blood she lays in. There is wetness dripping down my face as my breathing accelerates. She stares straight at me, her face still a mask of calm. "Irrydae. My star flower, shhh it's okay. Relax. Match your breathing with me." I step forward shakily, focusing all my attention on listening to the soft, even inhale and exhale of my mother. I don't have time to calm myself before we stare into each other eyes, "I love you." The words slip between her maw in a whisper, her chest falling still. I stumble back abruptly, my eyes flooding, vision blurring past the point of any visibility. I barely recognize my body falling to the rough ground, where I lay for days and weep until there is nothing left to weep. Then, I lay there silently, waiting for my own death to come. It doesn't. A dry, silent sob hiccups from my throat, and then my eyes refocus on Evers. He... he treasures me? The words were foreign and awkward in her thoughts. Sadness creases in her eyebrows as she looks at the lithe blue form, heart hammering against her chest. This wasn't right. Emotion. It had been locked away and hidden all her life. "I-" Her voice chokes off, shaking as her sides rise and fall rapidly. Without thinking, Irrydae stumbles a few feet more away, nearly falling to the ground as her pace quickens and wings spread, the wind welcoming her and taking her away from the stallion.

When she is far enough away, the tears come - not silently. Pain and sadness crushes her shoulders as her flight wavers, vision blurring rapidly. What has she done? Her mind flashes to Evers, an image of sadness as he stands there and watches her flee. Irrydae does not notice the scent of the Foothills as she passes the boarder, and her unstable flight causes her to crash into the thick trees. Irry does nothing to move or get up, lying on the ground and letting the pain and grief consume her.

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[Image: wu5k41.png]
please tag irry in every post! magic & aggression allowed w/o death

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RE: You won't find faith or hope down a telescope [Irrydae] - by Irrydae - 07-25-2013, 11:06 PM

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