the Rift

[PRIVATE] all the strength in your heart;

Cirrus Posts: 233
Outcast atk: 6.5 | def: 9.5 | dam: 6
Mare :: Pegasus :: 15.1 :: 8 HP: 69 | Buff: SWIFT
With keen interest I greet my fellow canine friends, tail wagging with more confidence and enthusiasm as the meeting goes successfully. To the female I give gentle deference, acknowledging her as the matriarch of this clan and respecting that rank with my own soul-bound status, which inevitably made me an outcast among wolves. I was not part of a pack, not a traditional one - my beloved cloud was my world, I needed no others, though it was an enjoyable experience for me to meet them, to find them so welcoming. Mukki springs forth and I find myself wearing an easy canine grin, my tongue lolling to the side as I bend my crown low to snuffle the belly he willingly exposes - an act of friendship and play. My posture bows to him then, my tail waving above my haunches as I let loose a low bark, hoping to initiate a chase about the nearby bushlands.

Behind me, my cloud grins as well, the playful happiness that swells within my chest makes her stand further at ease, further relaxed amidst this crowd of predators. Her faith in me was the same as mine in her - she would not let harm ever come by me, just as I would never let harm come to her. As Osiris' laugh grumbles from his maw, I feel the tenseness rise within her, as she initially mistakes the deep, gravelly tones to be a growl. Easy, my cloud, I murmur to her, and it is with surprise that she finally acknowledges my voice. Sitka?! I feel her eyes upon my back, and I peer at her for a moment over my shoulder, a dark eyelid closing over a cerulean orb in a cheeky wink. But, you sound like him.. Already I know who she speaks of, for his image flows through her mind, the many memories she held of her father surfacing as she recalled the timbre of his voice, the warmth and love and devotion. With pride, I acknowledged this fact, simply murmuring once more, play now, speak later.

The surprise of both Osiris' deep laugh and my voice had placed a silent spell upon my beloved. Her azure pools looked back up to the golden depths of the hybrid's, before her attention swivelled to the little dragon that approached her, cooing her name. A grin split her mouth once again, as her own angelic, musical tones coloured the area, the laughter of a cloud something I find to be an indescribably pleasant sound - I could listen to it all day, which was often why I made it my own daily mission to generate a laugh from the wondrous belle. Her nose reaches out to the little dragon, hoping to brush against his scaly muzzle in a friendly greeting, her own curiosity getting the better of her as she drinks in his new and interesting scent, finding him much less scary now that he playfully sung her own name. As the great wolf speaks again, her ears twist atop her tiara, and she lifts her visage to view him wholly once more.

"With this darkness, there isn't much heat anymore." She speaks, the sadness of our situation made obvious in the tones she employed, so drastically different from the laughter of before. "I never knew.. or rather, appreciated it before now, the comforts of the sun, and the moon." Sad melodies hummed from her maw as she looked to the starless sky above, as if hoping to see something different than the bleak expanse of nothingness we had become familiar with. As her words settled further into her mind, she was reminded of how much she missed her father, in his absence, how much she always assumed that he would always be there for her - for us. Easy, my cloud, I say again, my deep tones having an immediate soothing effect upon her troubled soul, as I chase away that stormcloud of depression which sometimes threatens to swallow my beloved up in a whirlwind of grief and darkness.
background pattern by Patrick Hoesly @
as changing as unforgiving as the wind, as bitter and chilling as the cold, as warm and deadly as the heat

  • I enjoy being tagged.

  • please do not feel pressured into mirroring the length of any of my posts
    I write what I feel at the time
    and hope everyone else does the same c:

    Messages In This Thread
    all the strength in your heart; - by Osiris - 06-28-2013, 10:03 PM
    RE: all the strength in your heart; - by Cirrus - 06-29-2013, 10:01 AM
    RE: all the strength in your heart; - by Osiris - 07-06-2013, 09:27 PM
    RE: all the strength in your heart; - by Cirrus - 07-13-2013, 09:47 PM
    RE: all the strength in your heart; - by Osiris - 07-19-2013, 12:43 AM
    RE: all the strength in your heart; - by Cirrus - 07-29-2013, 05:54 AM
    RE: all the strength in your heart; - by Osiris - 08-20-2013, 05:05 PM

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