the Rift

To the Moon and Back

Breeze Posts: N/A
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For a brief moment the night was still and empty around the colt. Despite his excitement of being in inhabited land he suddenly felt very lonely. The stars, which were usually his friends, seemed to have a colder glow to them and the pale face of the moon didn’t feel quite as loving as he remembered it. Suddenly Breeze missed his parents with an intensity he hadn’t felt since the first month after losing his father in that storm.

Breeze was only one and a half years old, but looking at him, one could easily take him for a three year old because of his mane and tail that was already fully grown and his quite muscular body. He was gangly and a bit angular, but he still didn’t look his age. With time he would fill out even more though and his hair would probably be very long. But as he stood there, colored silver by the moon, he looked almost like an adult horse - even though he felt like a little lonely foal.

Then suddenly the night seemed to stir and Breeze got the impression that some of the stars above him came to life. He couldn’t explain his feelings and because no one had told him anything about magic he didn’t understand the somewhat eclectic vibe that pulsated through the night. His hairs stood on end and he half unfolded his wings - ready to take off if needed.

The winged mare and the starry wolf entered the clearing almost behind Breeze and the colt almost felt like he had a heart attack. He spun around, black eyes widened and hair and feathers affray. When he saw the lupus he first felt scared, but then he smiled as he recognized the star pattern of its ethereal body. Intrigued he took a few steps towards it and tried to get its scent. The voice of the mare distracted him though and he turned to her.

"Good Evening, ma’am.” Breeze answered and bowed his head. ” I hope I’m not intruding on your territory."
He looked around and smelled the air again. Helovia? Could that be the name of the country or was it the name of just this forest?

Looking back at the dark mare he said: "My name is Breeze, son of Al-Shahin. What may I call you, ma’am?"

Messages In This Thread
To the Moon and Back - by Breeze - 08-08-2012, 07:12 AM
RE: To the Moon and Back - by Cassiopeia - 08-10-2012, 04:30 PM
RE: To the Moon and Back - by Breeze - 08-12-2012, 03:58 PM
RE: To the Moon and Back - by Cassiopeia - 08-12-2012, 06:42 PM
RE: To the Moon and Back - by Breeze - 08-14-2012, 05:59 AM
RE: To the Moon and Back - by Cassiopeia - 08-14-2012, 11:15 PM
RE: To the Moon and Back - by Breeze - 08-15-2012, 05:56 AM
RE: To the Moon and Back - by Cassiopeia - 08-16-2012, 07:37 PM
RE: To the Moon and Back - by Diedre - 08-16-2012, 07:49 PM
RE: To the Moon and Back - by Breeze - 08-17-2012, 05:59 AM

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