the Rift

[OPEN] My Immortal || Chemical

Chemical Posts: N/A
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You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away and know when to run.

I had felt isolation as of recent, being left alone in these lands. It was beautiful, I could admit. The hatred that I had for these residents currently residing in it, though dwindled, was still there. It wasn't exactly towards the residents though, but rather, just my own damn captor.

I also hated the feeling of that unknown feeling. Did Tonka move the Assassins location? Did they even know I was missing? Did they even care? I did not wish to perish and I did not wish to fade to nothing. My inky black body had faded into some trees, not to escape. Not to explore. Just for some solitary time to myself. Yes, there were probably eyes on me beyond measure, yes, I didn't quite care at all.

I sighed and stopped in front of a tree, staring at it for a few seconds, only to then push my long snout and forehead onto it, I shut my eyes and pinned my ears back, my black mane flowing down my neck and some passing over my back. I heaved another heavy sigh and my body rose and fell quickly in the process. I swished my tail once, then it returned to it's still state. My arching neck moved downwards as my head slid down the bark of the tree.

I took a deep breath and let my head slide all the way down the ground, my body soon following suit my legs steadily lowered my body onto the ground, my growing belly (now quite large indeed), was lowered carefully and I propped my neck against the tree, my head on the ground.

My eyes opened and I looked at my stomach. This foal was growing exceptionally large in my womb, or so I thought. I had never witnessed a pregnancy this big and I was beginning to wonder. That wasn't the only thing I was wondering about however regarding this. Was it a boy or a girl? What would we name him or her? Would I be here long enough so I would have to give birth in the Edge?

"I am terribly sorry for what I have done. I shouldn't have brought you into this mess. You are my child. I am your mother. Mothers aren't supposed to do this. Mothers aren't supposed to be risking it all. My irresponsibility got in the way of it all and for that, I am terribly sorry." A tear streaked down my face, thinking of how my mother treated me when my father had left... even when he was there. I had vowed to myself never to do that to my child, if I had a child. I would not break my promise.

Whatever I had to do to get my child a decent home to grow up and live in, I would do it. How? I had no clue. Whether it be being the world's biggest psycho bitch or being the world's biggest sweetheart. I was looking after another soul now that would be depending on me and this... was my own flesh and blood. I had watched my own mother go down in flames, no, I had made my mother go down in flames (I never and still didn't regret it) but I would not send my child through hell and high water.

Including now. Through the mists I heard a sound that my sensitive ears had recognized as movement from a large being; another horse or equine or whatever the hell else was in this world. I instantly heaved my heavy body up, retrieving low into the mists that had a faint white glow from the moon above. "Watch where you tread, stranger."

The footsteps had entered into my path of vision and I had not said anything until he walked beside me and I had a straight side shot of him. That posture and that color gave me an exact identity of whom I knew it to belong to. "Lest you long to get bit by a rattlesnake." My voice was venomous, but a playful venomous. My crimson orbs turned fiery and hid behind the tree halfway, my rounded abdomen sticking out too far to hide behind much of anything.
You never count your money when you're sittin' at the table.
There'll be time enough for countin' when the dealin's done.

gas maskhorsepattern

Messages In This Thread
My Immortal || Chemical - by Tonka - 08-02-2013, 10:28 PM
RE: My Immortal || Chemical - by Chemical - 08-03-2013, 06:49 PM
RE: My Immortal || Chemical - by Tonka - 08-04-2013, 07:17 AM
RE: My Immortal || Chemical - by Chemical - 08-04-2013, 09:48 AM
RE: My Immortal || Chemical - by Tonka - 08-06-2013, 07:45 AM
RE: My Immortal || Chemical - by Chemical - 08-07-2013, 10:37 PM
RE: My Immortal || Chemical - by Tonka - 08-08-2013, 07:48 PM
RE: My Immortal || Chemical - by Chemical - 08-12-2013, 12:36 PM
RE: My Immortal || Chemical - by Tonka - 08-14-2013, 08:26 AM

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