the Rift

Voyager [O]

Discordia Posts: N/A
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She did not have to wait for very long. Just as the golden child had expected, her mere presence was sufficient to lure in others, though initially it was not exactly the crowd she had hoped for. With shimmering droplets clinging to her velvet lips, Discordia stood near the banks of the stream, watching as the waters turned murky and splashing reached her slender lobes with the delicately inverted tips. Directing her gaze up the lazy current, she saw a young filly, swimming quite close, then jumping out of the waters to attempt a scare. In one fluent movement, Discordia unfolded her impressive wings into full span, leaping upwards and propelling herself into air by a powerful beat of her wings, removing herself swiftly from oncoming soil that might taint her golden complexion. Holding still in the air for a moment, Discordia composed herself, trying to conceal her expression of angered annoyance. She wanted to yell and scream at the other for being so stupid, for nearly hitting her with that smelly river mud.

Drawing a deep breath, Princess Frost concluded that there was too many others around - right now, she needed most of all to make the right impression. So she touched down again, gracefully trying not to step in the mud that had been sprayed around. Her smile was thoroughly forced and horribly toothy, but the dimwit kid probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference. "You should watch yourself. Not all strangers appreciate having mud thrown at them, you could get in trouble," Discordia chimed, sugary sweet and threateningly icy, but worded as nothing but a compassionate precaution. This was a duality Discordia mastered to a t. Having fun? A new voice echoed towards her, finely chiseled tiara turned in the direction. Into view came a dark dappled colt, about her own age, and a unicorn like her dearest twin brother. Sorrow welled up inside her, looking into those blue eyes that reminded her of Ares, but she quenched any emotion before it could reveal itself on her face. Instead, the corners of her lips pulled upwards in a pleasant smile, silky tresses moving lightly as she turned her front towards him, now ignoring the young filly completely. "Are you?" She inquired, a slight playfulness in her soft voice.

Before conversation could evolve any further, yet another one presented herself to them, this time a grown mare. Bright magenta gaze moved over the equine female with little apparent interest, and there was a slight strain on her smile when she turned it to the mare, even if it was near undetectable. Discordia did not enjoy the competition of others of her own gender, she much preferred to have the attention centered around herself - and grown mares had a tendency to baby her, because of her young age. And if there was one thing she wouldn't put up with, it was to be treated like a child, when she was clearly their intellectual equal in any aspect. At least that was what the golden child thought. The mare introduced herself as Hana of the Foothills, but her sales pitch did not exactly spark any interest within the winged contessa. A family? Isn't that exactly what she had been trying to evade pretty much ever since she was born? As if her blood-relatives weren't enough to handle already, she didn't need a whole bunch of strangers with all sorts of expectations. As she parted her kissers to reply, she never got to put forward the words before another emerged from the darkness.

The immediate excitement to see someone winged like herself never failed, and it struck her immediately as the golden-tinged stallion stepped into view. She studied him curiously, trying to find similarities to her own reflection that she had seen in the lake, hoping to see something that might remind her of her brother - anything that could indicate a genetic connection between them. But she was disappointed; aside from the wings, she hardly shared any features with the bi-colored steed. It was difficult not to disclose the emotional roller-coaster that she was going through, but she managed after all. Glancing around at the gathered flock, she was amused by how peculiar they must look to outsiders - a muddy filly, a handsome colt, an equine mare and a mighty, winged steed - and Princess Frost of course, in their midsts, raising her tiara high and keeping a mild expression on her face. "I am overwhelmed by such a welcome... To what do I owe this honor?" she chimed, a question addressed to no one in particular. Shuffling her wings lightly, her eyes drifted between the young colt and the winged brute, showing little engagement in the female part of the company, as she had of habit. "My name is Discordia. Like many others, I came here in search of a place to stay. Do any of you have such to offer?"

Tag: @[Sikeax]

Messages In This Thread
Voyager [O] - by Discordia - 08-07-2013, 03:46 PM
RE: Voyager [O] - by Sikeax - 08-07-2013, 06:38 PM
RE: Voyager [O] - by Soren - 08-07-2013, 08:36 PM
RE: Voyager [O] - by Hana - 08-08-2013, 07:22 AM
RE: Voyager [O] - by Midas - 08-08-2013, 09:11 PM
RE: Voyager [O] - by Discordia - 08-10-2013, 06:38 AM
RE: Voyager [O] - by Sikeax - 08-13-2013, 11:30 AM
RE: Voyager [O] - by Discordia - 08-19-2013, 02:23 AM
RE: Voyager [O] - by Midas - 08-20-2013, 01:16 PM

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