the Rift

[PRIVATE] Tired Of Seeing In Black And White, White

Hecatia Oer'Sour Posts: N/A
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Hecatia Oer'Sour

Just an outline made of skin,
And my walls are paper thin

Sikeax and Adrixaura were her only family. Her only eyes and with Sikeax leading the way with her adventurous personality she only prayed that the foal was ready to lead her blind aunt safely through her current adventure. Sikeax? Reaching out to touch something familiar she could smell that the child had just been there but no longer was. Turning her head she could feel her muzzle touch the foals soft pelt. A sigh of relief escaped her. Don't do that. Do you know what your mother would say if I lost you? Inhaling she could feel her lungs burn with the smell of the ocean. Where are we Sikeax? She had no memory of coming here, and this was due to her usually sticking to either Adrixaura or Sikeax when one of them was not busy. Her little niece was the doctor of the group she had followed Adrixaura into her. And she something of a helper to her. Handing her things she had memorized the smell or placement of. She couldn't do much as for putting bandages on but any small way to help was something she gladly accepted. Is it the ocean? The last time I was at an ocean your mother took me. It was my first time, and the water had been warm. I wasn't allowed to go swimming like Oriana Beda. Adrixaura made sure of that. You know you are precious to her...more precious than the greatest jewels. The unseeing eyes stared out to where she could only guess her niece was and she smiled. Reaching out she touched the foal again, just to make sure she hadn't run off. Can you tell me what it looks like? We can find seashells as well. Bring them back to your mother if you wish? Lowering her head to the ground she nudged the sands to find anything sharp or hard. This was more difficult than she had thought it to be. Her ears twitched and she lifted her head. She could hear the sound of another, before Sikeax would even know. Her eye sight being gone had enhanced all other senses. I think someone is coming perhaps? Her hearing could have been playing a trick on her with the water so close to her though she was sure she had heard someone.

Movements and thoughts here
OOC: @[Sikeax]
388 words.

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Tired Of Seeing In Black And White, White - by Hecatia Oer'Sour - 08-13-2013, 01:59 AM

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