the Rift

Voyager [O]

Sikeax Posts: N/A
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Mom had always told me that the actions of others are never going to hurt you badly, but when it came to being hurt by others, it was either mental or emotional, never physically. Whenever I jumped out of the stream, the pegasus mare took off as fast as she could, sending a heavy burst of air towards me. I had already gone about trying to return to my hooves when the gust hit me, and my frail body wasn't prepared for such an impact. I fell down, slamming my body into the mud. Underneath all the mud was a rock, I'm sure none of us could see it, but I felt it. It hit me in the ribs, knocking the wind out of my lungs.
Boy oh boy, did it hurt.
I didn't cry from the pain, only cringed. She spoke a harsh burden of words, and already I lost every distaste for her. If she wasn't just wandering about looking for a place to stay, I would of screamed at her and shown her how much it hurt whenever I hit that rock. A few tears slid out of my blue eyes, twinkling in the soft glow from my horn. The colt came along about that point, and asked me if I was having any fun. Well, I was sort of having fun, if you don't consider the fact that I just got hurt. I drowned any lingering signs of that pain before standing back up on my hooves, shaking the mud off my pelt with it directed towards the stream, just to make sure I didn't get anyone else muddy. I can't mess up now, but if the mare decides to be nice, then maybe I'll offer her a home in the Assassins.
In the middle of my process of mud removal, I heard the words 'Oh dear'. A frown instantly went through my face, knowing there was always going to be more insults to me as of being here on my own. I came on my own, my mother knew I came here, and gave me permission as long as I could find someone to go with. If this didn't turn out so well, then I'd go to the Deep Forest and search for herbs. The idea alone seems so much more welcoming than being surrounded by all the jerks here. No one ever seems to have a sunny deposition here.
Hana's words annoy me, reminded of the Foothills once more. They never went away, did they? They just came back around, and maybe my displeasure for them ever higher. A frown slips across my face at her presence, and inside my head, I thought of her just leaving without any reason as of why. A giggle escaped me without meaning too. Woops, but I don't care. Not now, not anymore. Not for a single soul here anymore.
A winged man comes and speaks, addressing us as children. His voice soothes me, and for him, I think he's the only one I'm ever going to ever accept. "Hi Midas and Hana. I'm Sikeax, but you can call me Sia if you want. And yes, I'm alright." The words I speak try to hold a bit of happiness, to show that I was never troubled. By the time I would return home, the spot where the rock hit my ribs would probably turn into a bruise, and then Mom would be worried. My trips here need to stop. They do, for everyone here never has a good thing to ever say. After this, I hope to lose all intentions to ever return.
The thin smile on my face tells them I've got some childhood happiness there. The winged mare calls herself Discordia, and asks us for offers of home. I stare her down, debating if my offer for her to join the Assassins would go as far as I wanted it to go. Who cares, I'm going in.
I walked slowly, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in my ribs. Maybe when I go herb searching later, I can find a plant that can be used as a painkiller. Finding something like that would go pretty far, and knowing it was there would help my self esteem a bit more. "Well, the Assassins always have room for new members. You'd for sure be more welcome there than with the Foothills. You won't have to sell your soul for petty objects when you can fight for the justice of others." I offer a bigger smile, trying to be welcoming. She may take my offer, or take the offer presented by others. My insult to the Foothills is true, everyone there knew it was true.
So hey guys, I'm no idiot.

If you could hear me then, can you hear me now?

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Messages In This Thread
Voyager [O] - by Discordia - 08-07-2013, 03:46 PM
RE: Voyager [O] - by Sikeax - 08-07-2013, 06:38 PM
RE: Voyager [O] - by Soren - 08-07-2013, 08:36 PM
RE: Voyager [O] - by Hana - 08-08-2013, 07:22 AM
RE: Voyager [O] - by Midas - 08-08-2013, 09:11 PM
RE: Voyager [O] - by Discordia - 08-10-2013, 06:38 AM
RE: Voyager [O] - by Sikeax - 08-13-2013, 11:30 AM
RE: Voyager [O] - by Discordia - 08-19-2013, 02:23 AM
RE: Voyager [O] - by Midas - 08-20-2013, 01:16 PM

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