the Rift

[OPEN] observe, my pretties.

Azúcar Posts: N/A
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So there I was, minding my own business, milling around, when a little filly comes up looking ready to blow. She starts snapping at me, thinking I'm going to listen to a young thing like her. Frowning, I watch her scream at me. Oh, what a foolish little child. I smile, wicked words forming in my head. I let my teeth glimmer, my lips curling up to reveal dagger sharp teeth. "Honey, you must mistake me for some young shrimp like you. I wasn't born yesterday. I know they weren't thinking of me. Twit? I'm not the twit, you think I'm pea brained like you?" I spat, alabaster ears laid back, brows narrowed. Upon her next words, I flicked a stern, menacing gaze at her. "Listen, I would leave if I could, but one of your silly herd mates decided to take me here, so it looks like you're going to be stuck with me for a loooong time, at least, until this battle is over. And my herd has demolished yours... So you better start enjoying my lovely company." I lifted my nose to the sky, wind brushing the smell of war towards me. Blood, sweat, tears, those three liquids composed half the scent of war. The other half was the horses themselves, bodies smashing together, scents themselves at war. Looking down at the shrimp with a malicious glint in my eyes, I grinned a devilish grin."It's begun. My herd against yours. Place your bets while you can." I snickered, the last sentence quieter than the others. I glared down at the little paint filly, torn. Should I attack her, or leave her? I could easily grip her little jugular in my mouth, pierce her soft skin in an instant. It would be enjoyable, her blood trickling down my lips. Foal flesh was always enjoyably tender and juicy, but when you reached their insides, they weren't very tasty. Mainly because it was filled with their mothers' milk, or what's left of it, depending on how old the foal is. Maybe this filly wouldn't be so sweet? And in fact be sour because of her horrible temperament. I snorted, trying to spot the clashing horses. I squinted, struggling to see through the mist. "How in the gods' names do you see anything in this god forsaken place?"

"Twisted, wicked words."

i don't wanna be the girl who laughs to herself

or the girl who's always alone

Image Credits

decided azucar was going to keep her cool... for now :P

Messages In This Thread
observe, my pretties. - by Azúcar - 08-13-2013, 11:43 PM
RE: observe, my pretties. - by Sakura - 08-14-2013, 08:49 PM
RE: observe, my pretties. - by Azúcar - 08-14-2013, 09:28 PM
RE: observe, my pretties. - by Sakura - 08-31-2013, 03:16 PM

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