the Rift

[PRIVATE] Just One Look Into Your Eyes

Adrixaura Posts: N/A
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Night remained her long time friend, the pull of that took her to the skies for a few days out every months something was routine to her. Others complained and cowarded in fear as the night extended itself into an endless darkness. She was taking her time enjoying it, and occasionly, in a stupid idiot type of way, tried to fly to the Moon like she was accustom to, through leviation, yet was reminded of her magic's disappearance when she entered the land. There were times when she thought there was the voice of the Moon speaking to her, though her blind attempts to reunite with what she lost left her nowhere. In her time of downfall, she wandered to the Grove, the serene state welcoming her as a place to soothe and release her thoughts. Going to the Veins wasn't a thing she was wanting to do, just to speak to her Goddess's broken shrine. When the trees enclosed her, she slipped into towards the pool.
Luna and her children reflected themselves as she stared into them. Her own reflection brought a frown to her face, unwelcome to her current state. The lack of mane was bad enough, but the nasty scars that were sure to come would be a costly reminder. Never once did she think of Thor's healing process, as of how he would make through after her attack to his wing. Infection would sure to set in at some point, leaving with a choice of death, or losing his wing. Could you remove a wing and move on without infection? She cared less, and as footsteps approached her, she let an aburpt snort and pawed the ground. There wasn't time to settle out the meanings of her words. The actions alone said 'Go the fuck away.' clearly enough. When the noise didn't stop, she didn't stop herself from insulting that who was coming to her.
"Go away, you undeserving piece of shit. The God of the Earth could care less for your existance, and I will be sure to help the Gods have one less idiot to look after."
The face of disgust showed every single warning when the idiot approached her. In the darkness, her eyes weren't viewing things normally. and when she felt something around her neck, the reminder of her challenge existed like Acute Stress Disorder. Her head swung out as her hind legs attempted to back her away from the unworthy creature, teeth already going for a shoulder. No, it didn't matter who came upon her, no one ever had the right to come out of nowhere when she clearly threatened their life and touch her. If her teeth hit pelt, the colour wouldn't matter, unless it was golden.
She never knew that it was Sol when she attempted that attack, and his nickname spoken to her was nothing but a mumble to her. Hate lit up her eyes in the darkness before from her distance she'd take told her it was Sol. A frown came across her face, already ready to taken to disappointment when it wasn't someone's ass to kick. She wanted a fight, a battle, a clash of hooves. Her challenge brought something fresh out to her, something that she begged for. While her eyes remained locked upon him, she sighed and shook her head towards him. If she'd biten him or not, it cared less to her.
"Do not EVER walk upon on me like that at a time like this! Do you not notice that the world is termoil, and clearly I am not ready to be approached in darkness by another creature who to my mind is one that I can attack without meaning?"
The words probably wouldn't even bother the stallion as she threw them towards him. He knew better than to do that to her, that when she was clearly wounded that a predator could make an easy snack of her. Well, an not-so-easy snack, that is. Did he needed to be reminded of their first meeting, of what damage she would alone with her words, or should he learn completely now that there is never safety anymore.
Never. You'd be an idiot to believe it was. .
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Messages In This Thread
Just One Look Into Your Eyes - by Sol - 08-14-2013, 12:36 AM
RE: Just One Look Into Your Eyes - by Adrixaura - 08-14-2013, 11:24 PM

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