the Rift


Sikeax Posts: N/A
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You would find it strange for me to say I like this night today, finding to see down and relax. My body was eloped in the waves now as I laid in them, bathing. Adrixaura wasn't going to bother me about it, and maybe when I grew more, studied a herd or two, maybe even joined one(Not the Basin or Foothills), I would return to check on those in my family. A very simple plan that could be worked out with ease.
There's a voice in the darkness, making giggles erupt from me. The colt who called me a monster (a first) was smaller than me, bringing a smile about my face. For once, I wasn't the smallest one around. He had a young soul like I did, reminding me of who I was before Adrixaura messed me up. Time was going to shape me back into the same filly that I was before this, making sure I got there before I was a mare.
"Well, you never know! I might be a real monster! RAWR!!!" I jumped up pretty fast, swinging my head around with my mouth open to seem more 'monster-like'. Children, oh wait, I'm still one. Opps.......
I bolted down the same as water tried to drag me back home, asking me to return home. The water seemed to be the only place I belonged, my soul drawn to it like it was meant to be. He seemed to be blushing as I got a bit closer to him, causing me to halt fast and laugh softly towards him. Like my time with that Basin colt, he was going through a common thing all foals do. No one is ever surprised.
"Oh, what's that on your face? I believe I can see a bit of blush. Don't worry, you're pretty cute. I'm Sikeax, daughter of Roy Strider, and Doctor of the Assassins. Who are you, Cutie Pie?" His nickname was followed by a giggle, Adrixaura's name left out in a plain and common tone, like it was supposed to be. Denying her existance isn't too bad, but still, she is my mother, and this colt is best off never knowing her.
My head was lowered to meet his, glow from my horn lighting both our faces. Now in mixture of my horn glow and moonlight, I could see his horn. It reminded me of Tonka slightly, but not enough for something to click first thing. There weren't much like my father and I about, but we still were unique. Tonka could easily have other foals out there, not saying I was his child, but there was the chance of him bearing children. "Would you like to play a bit? These Birdsong nights, or should I say days, are lovely here. But, any way...." I leaned in, guessing he wouldn't know what I was about to do, and went to poke him lightly with my horn. It would be nothing more than a prick, and wouldn't hurt. "-You're it!"
At that moment, I took off into the waves, bouncing into them as they tackled me. Laughter errupted from me I took time for this childish moments, hoping the colt was going to get the idea of this game. Had he ever played tag before? What kind of childhood would he have if he never played tag?

If you could hear me then, can you hear me now?

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Messages In This Thread
Hush - by Sikeax - 08-25-2013, 09:46 PM
RE: Hush - by Kilchii - 08-26-2013, 03:23 PM
RE: Hush - by Sikeax - 08-26-2013, 04:39 PM
RE: Hush - by Kilchii - 08-26-2013, 06:08 PM
RE: Hush - by Sikeax - 08-26-2013, 06:31 PM
RE: Hush - by Kilchii - 08-29-2013, 04:53 PM

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