the Rift


Kilchii Posts: N/A
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This girl did not seem to be surprised that I had showed up. It was like she was expecting me of something. Maybe she was me coming… All she did was giggle. I mean. I wasn’t trying to be funny. I was being serious, but I guess the thought of me mistaking her for a monster was funny. I let a sort of confused chuckled erupt from my maw. She would just think I as laughing, but I knew that I as confused. But maybe she could sense that this was all too confusing for me.

She spoke again, my laughter stopping. She said that she was maybe a real monster and made her face look all scary! I backed up a step, fear nipping in the pit of my stomach. I then realized she was joking around. Blush was, again, running up in my cheeks. Why did she have to do that? And why did I have to be so easy to scare. I really needed to act tougher. I puffed up my chest and raised my head up high to try to act brave.

She spoke again. She noticed I was blushing… Oh god, how could this get any more embarrassing? She said her name. Sikeax. I liked that name. It had a nice sound to it. She then said that her dad as Roy Strider (who I had noooo idea of who he was) and she said that she was a Doctor of the Assassins! OH MY GODS! She was part of my parents group! Joy was now overflowing in my body. I knew someone other than my mom, dad, and sister that were in my group.

The last part of her talking was the best. She called me a cutie pie! Hehe I know that I’m cute, but having a pretty filly call me that was the best thing I have ever heard! She giggled after she called me cute. Was that a good sign? I hope she wasn’t just calling me cute to make me feel good.

“I am Kilchii, son of Tonka and Chemical. And I am also part of the Assassins. I don’t have a rank yet though. I am too young. I will be a warrior though!” I smiled as I spoke of my future. My smile widened as she stuck her face in front of mine. The blue glow from Sikeax’s horn brightened our faces. She was even prettier in the light. I studied her features, then sniffed the air to catch the scent of Sikeax. She did not smell like the Arch. Maybe she ran away too! “You don’t smell like home, did you run away too?” My eyes widened as I spoke.

She then asked if I wanted to play. Well, of course I wanted to play! Was she silly? Her next move made me jump a bit. Her glowing blade lightly tapped me and then she said “You’re it!” I did not know what to do. I was in a bit of shock that her horn tapped me. I thought that she was going to give me a boo boo!

The next thing I knew, Sikeax was jumping around in the waves. I think I get what ‘your it’ means. She wanted me to chase her! A smile graced my maw and I sprung after her. She splashed in the waves, but I stopped at the shorelines, hesitating if I should go in or not. The last time I tried, I got my face filled with water, and it was not too fun to have water rushing down your mouth and nostrils, especially when it tasted horrible.

I took a breath, and then leaped into the water. My legs flailed as I tried to stand up. The water rushed over my body, knocking me right off of my feet. This was scary! I tried to get back up, only to be knocked over once again. One more try, and if that didn’t work I had to get out! I did not want to drown to death. I lifted my body from the watery ground and jumped into the waves, this time not being knocked over. I chased after Sikeax, my horn aiming to tag her. My horn met her skin with a little poke. I hope it wasn’t too hard. Controlling the force of my horn was still difficult. “You’re it, now!” I ran off, laughter rumbling from my chest. I ran through the waves, stumbling a bit because the waves were very, very forceful against my body. I ran away from the glowing filly, hoping that she wouldn’t catch me.

speech speech speech speech speech

Messages In This Thread
Hush - by Sikeax - 08-25-2013, 09:46 PM
RE: Hush - by Kilchii - 08-26-2013, 03:23 PM
RE: Hush - by Sikeax - 08-26-2013, 04:39 PM
RE: Hush - by Kilchii - 08-26-2013, 06:08 PM
RE: Hush - by Sikeax - 08-26-2013, 06:31 PM
RE: Hush - by Kilchii - 08-29-2013, 04:53 PM

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