the Rift

[OPEN] Burn, Burn, the life you can't choose. [Eris, Open]

Torleik the Bloodskald Posts: 354
Outcast atk: 4.5 | def: 8.0 | dam: 7.5
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 16.3 :: 11 HP: 66.5 | Buff: SWIFT
Irelyn :: Plain Griffin :: Molten Dagger RedGod

Death follows into your watery grave

The white equine seemed sane enough when he spoke, his words polite - if a bit focused on the darkness of the place surrounding them. Casting his glance around, the bearded demon shifted in a shrugging sort of manner. "I am fond of the moon and the night," he replied. "Though I am not fond of the forest, no."

His eyes narrowed when this Arlo mentioned something that lurked within the darkness of the pines. Torleik felt his muscles coil and skin tighten in anticipation of a battle or a flight. Running was not in his nature, but he knew that living to fight another day was sometimes the best option. "I know nothing of this place," he said slowly, looking over Arlo once more, curious. His eyes...Torleik almost believed he saw signs of nystagmus. Was this equine disoriented? Suffering from ingestion of a substance? "What is it that 'lurks among the pines', as you say?" he asked slowly, pointedly.

It was now possible this horse was a threat, and Torleik was prepared to respond accordingly. If so, it would not go well for the white stallion. The blue-eyed demon was ever methodical, however, and wanted his information before making any rash decisions.

Afrolovertje & ximpossible @ DA
[Image: 531c0b471919e]

No man is an island.
Pixel by: Tamme :D

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RE: Burn, Burn, the life you can't choose. [Eris, Open] - by Torleik - 09-07-2013, 02:29 PM

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