the Rift

[OPEN] Burn, Burn, the life you can't choose. [Eris, Open]

Eris_ Posts: 97
Mare :: Equine :: 15.1 :: 4 Buff: NOVICE
That flash of magic, with an imagination to match it
So catch it, it's classic, but it will not be contained

Where had she left them? The golden queen stopped by yet another tree and inspected the roots. Where was her new stones? The ones that needed to decorate for crown? The last thing she wanted to do was go for yet another swim. The crown made of dragon bones rested gently on her brow, blue opals glistened from within the twisted bones. The blood red stones would have gone so nicely with her faming red hair. Each stone would have represented the bloody life that she'd drained from her opponents. Giving up on finding the missing stones, the goddess of discord turned and pranced away from the trees as if the stones didn't actually matter. But they did matter a lot, if she found someone else wearing her stones, the golden dun would kill them. Smiling happily the mare wondered through the dark forest, soon she would have to return to The Marsh where her ever growing family resided. Only in the marsh did she ever feel truly safe. Her own opal orbs looked around the forest, wondering if her family would feel safer within the deep forest rather than the marsh. Ideally they needed a land that was already occupied by a herd, however getting this land would be oh so tricky. So many things a leader had to think about. Such thoughts cleared her head, normality setting in.

Her imagined crown disappeared.

Was that voices she heard ahead? Or maybe it was just her mind playing tricks on her. She doubted that though...the poison was the only thing that played fake voices in her head. There had to be others near by. How fantastic. It wasn't everyday that Eris found herself in a stable state of mind, if anything she enjoyed her blood crazed mind more than her normal one. The other frame of mind made life so much more fun! Then again, in this state she was able to appreciate the beauty that life held. Moving swiftly, the leader began to make her way over to the voices. From the sound of it there was only two of them having a meeting, one of them sounded quite put out. She could be wrong, but Eris believed that this voice was familiar. Where had she heard it? No too sure the mare made her way through some trees and then heard the question from the voice that she did not know. The current speaker was a black horned stag, this was not the one she knew. The stag didn't seem to be an immediate threat though. Turning Eris studied the white stallion, now this was the one that she knew. He was apart of her family, he had fought in the throat with her. Arlo her memory kicked into action.

Her timing was almost comical. Shrugging out of the trees, as if in answer to the dark stag's question, the Goddess passed the unknown an evil smile."Many things. Crazy, bloodthirsty, chaos causing mares for a start." Giggling Eris turned her blue eyes to Arlo, her charge, her brother. One of many that she wanted to protect. "How have you been Arlo?" Concern filled her tones, eyes studied his body. Why hadn't he returned to Seele and herself after the battle? Why did he now cower out in between the pines? So many questions burned through her mind, blinking once she turned to the black stallion. "You may call me Eris." Names were a dangerous game. "What should I call you?" Not being rude the golden mare fell into a silence, glancing between each of the males. Eris was not one to fell threatened. In fact she actually quite like being the only mare at the moment. It made the game of life so much more...interesting.

" "
630 words.
@[Arlo] @[Torleik]

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RE: Burn, Burn, the life you can't choose. [Eris, Open] - by Eris_ - 09-07-2013, 09:27 PM

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