the Rift

[OPEN] Come What May [Feritas; Birth Thread]

Feritas Posts: N/A
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Actions | "Speech" | Thought

Something was wrong. Warmth encased the tiny life as he slumbered, brooding lightly in the darkness. Here he was safe, here he curled, his tiny head resting on his forehooves. A lurch woke him and he woke with a start. Something was pressing, rolling against his hindquarters, shoving him. He flattened his ears against his skull. It was pressing him, pushing him. He did not want to go. He was safe here. He fought against the insisting shoves, even knowing that it was useless. He could not see the enemy to fight and even as he bucked his hind legs out, he felt his head squeeze through tight darkness.

Cold air touched his muzzle and he snorted at the shock of it. He entered the world writhing as light poked him hard in the cyan blue eyes.Half way out, his hooves dug into the soil, a hateful whinny pierced the air. He did not know it came from his own lungs, all he knew was that he did NOT want to be out here. He wanted to be in the darkness, where it was safe and warm.

Baring his tooth-less gums, he scrunched his face up in rage as his body hit the ground. He kicked his back legs, tearing off the membrane that encased the rest of his body. If he were to be out here, he did not want to be covered. His dusty tipped ears flicked at the sounds of voices and he bolted to his hooves.

Maybe a little too fast.

He gave a confused snort as his legs gave way under him and he tumbled over his own hooves. Lifting his head, he turned around to glance at his immediate surroundings, trying not to glance towards the brightness of the sun. He did not know it was called that. All he knew was that it hurt to look at. Pain was useless. So was he. Couldn't even stand on his own legs?


He tried again, more cautious this time as he knew the tricks of gravity. He managed it the second time, standing upright with his legs splayed out. He snorted, lowering his head to look at the space between his belly and the hard flat thing that supported his hooves. He did not know yet that it was called the ground. He vowed he would never let gravity get the better of him again.

Snorting shrilly, he became aware of a second shape, massive as it was in comparison to his own size. He did not know the shape was friendly, but he charged forwards without thinking about how his legs would work. they flailed, he let out a fearsome battle screech that sounded more like a whistle. He butted his head against the solid form and fell backwards onto his own haunches.

Shaking his head dizzily, he gave a confused nicker and looked around. Hadn't he JUST made a vow that he would never fall victim to the hard flat surface beneath him. And here it was causing an ache in his tail. Snorting, he got to his hooves again and looked around more carefully, ignoring the massive form in hopes that by doing so, he could ignore his own most recent failure. He saw the first massive shape still laying on her side and as he laid eyes on her, his gut rumbled uncomfortably.

He did not like the feeling that was spreading from his innards. It felt like an emptiness was clawing at his gut. He complained about it loudly, another shrill whinny that demanded relief from the gnawing hunger as he would learn it was called that later. He approached the laying mass and nudged the black haunch, nudging her seemed like a good idea. She should be standing as well. Get up! Feed me! He wanted to demand it verbally, but he did not know what words were quite yet.

He could smell it on her, the antidote to his pain. He snuffled at her haunches, his gums nibbling on her belly. When she did not give it fast enough, he hauled off and bit at her. Give it! He snorted angrily, stomping his tiny back hoof impatiently.

All of the actions of the tiny colt would cause worry to any who saw him. The cruelty with which he demanded his mother stand and feed him, the confidence he showed in charging the stranger, the sheer hate that echoed through his voice as he neighed... the speed with which he got to his hooves. All of it was like a bad omen. And yet he was just a baby- a soft, helpless little colt. When he finally managed to find the nipple and began to suckle, relieving his hunger, he waggled his black tail against his hocks happily. The hate had faded, leaving behind an innocent little boy in it's wake.

But... was it gone for good?

@[Antheia], played by clo
@[Harmony], played by wild
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RE: Come What May [Feritas; Birth Thread] - by Feritas - 09-21-2013, 02:06 PM
RE: Come What May [Feritas; Birth Thread] - by Feritas - 09-26-2013, 08:24 PM

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