the Rift

Save it for today, live it tomorrow [Evers/Open]

Saisands Posts: N/A
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frozen faces can always melt, push this echo in the outside world

A warmth was being handed to Saisands with a genuine gesture by the brute. He was sweet, if not quite shy on occasion. This made the pretty little vixen spread a smile across her soft velveteens towards him, quite by accident. A sweet hearted duchess like herself was subject to all kinds of barrier breakers when it came to kind brutes, such as Evers. With a slight flick of her flaxen tail silks, she pressed closer to him as he spoke further. It was almost a comfort. Even though she had barely exchanged words with the beast, he seemed of good heart and intentions and she instantly took a liking to him.

"And I gladly accept your welcome, Evers." Her soft melodic voice echoed across the terra firma of the Foothills, the breeze carrying it far off into the distance as she came to terms that this was going to be her homeland. Hopefully. Evers turned back to her with more conversation, and she let her orbs find their way into his, hoping to glimpse some of the emotion. The golden vixen listened intently to his voice. The offer to be shown around was too good to turn down, and she hastily accepted with little room for breathe. "I would love to!" Perhaps a little too excited, Saisands danced on her daggers lightly before regaining her posture.

The talk of meeting the Chieftess sent a shiver of nervousness through her, not sure whether to feel honoured or scared about it. It was a daunting prospect, especially for this to be a formal meeting that would decide the fate of her membership into the Foothills herd. However, the warmth and the way that the azure roan brute seemed comfortable around her gave her a little steel in her spine to face it. The sweet beast was a joy to be around for the young diabla. "Lead, the way..." She gestured with an open mind, kind cocoa pools and a warm tone in her voice as she spoke softly to him.

Messages In This Thread
Save it for today, live it tomorrow [Evers/Open] - by Saisands - 08-11-2012, 02:00 PM
RE: Save it for today, live it tomorrow [Evers/Open] - by Saisands - 08-12-2012, 07:54 AM
RE: Save it for today, live it tomorrow [Evers/Open] - by Saisands - 08-16-2012, 05:56 PM

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