the Rift

[OPEN] Harvester of Sorrow [Adrixaura]

Adrixaura Posts: N/A
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A d r i x a u r a
hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die,
then life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly.
The morning is alive, and she has work to do. It never comes without some sort of pleasure to beat and torture the prisoners. Kanai had fed her to be cruel to captors and prisoners alike, him being the only captor she let keep her. Knox had done such a weak job keeping the mare, while Kanai held onto her with a passion while she was at her prime. Except, she was allowed to escape behind the cremello stallion's back multiple times, and each time she went back when he came to get her. She didn't fall before him, instead she loved the idea of luxury he gave her, a hoard of minions to do as she pleased that worshipped her equally for her beauty, and the fact that she was Kanai's most prized possession. The last reason she hung around was something that made her stomach churn now. The fact that she felt sorry for Kanai.
Poor boy, he'd fallen in love with her, knowing not the consquences that'd follow his life threatening choice. She tore down an empire and had death camps built so she'd be pleased. Instead, it planted a bitter seed inside her chest, one that caught fire somewhere along the line of Adze saying "Ah fuck, the bitch might be pregnant." and then she not being pregnant. She'd just thought, meaningless mistake that shifted her around and broke the spells binding childhood serenity that trailed her mother's wake to the aggressive, destructive, and oddly calming life of the man who raised her. Onsoun was dead, but he built her into what he wanted her to be.
Just how far had that gone?
A voice catches her ears, her body lay in the frozen blanket of thin snowflakes that covered the outer area of the Arch. Sleeping in the caverns would of been something her daughter would of wanted to do, but Sikeax was gone, and she'd accepted that with a broken and battered heart. Now, it just sent a fury of sparks towards that black flame. Her body shifts, the battle wounds that plagued her body nothing more than a limp and scars now, sections of her mane that were torn away coming to grow back into place. Before long, she'd be the same beautiful mare again, if she wasn't always beautiful enough for them.
Now, I ask a question. Do you ever enjoy having something to play with at your doorstep? The world plopped this little black mare straight on Adrixaura's doorstep, as if Kanai himself had come along and given it to her like a gift. It made her smile, wicked and hate-filled. That girl was probably October, the one she'd gone after a few days ago. "October..... Is that you? Ah, what a little beast you happen to be? Is your room comfortable enough for you? Not as warm as the hellhole you crawled out of." She moves with a fresh ease, the once severely wounded cannon moving more natural. Her sway is back, and she uses it as she pleases. Pleasure coats her pale eyes, their blue shrimmer coated with a dark cloud. "If you don't know who I am by now, I'm Adrixaura, of the Assassins. We've got some work to do."
This time, she laughs, a more of a "Hmph!" noise that floods it. She wants to play with her toy, just for the sake of old times. When the distance between them is closed and the mare is placed ass to the wall, Adri can do nothing more than laugh at the girl. Mockingly, if not insulting.
Her eyes stare down the girl, digging deep into the other's orange eyes. Someone she knew had eyes like that, but it's not a thought that comes easy to her. Oh yes, it was some colt that was in Kanai's death camp who ended up before at some point. He'd become her personal slave before the world went to fucking hell, and she ran off. October wouldn't make much of a good slave, yet if she could break into the mare's mind and pull strings, then maybe.
"First of all, you aren't to take off without me knowing. I'm fine with you heading out to the Steppe to be alone and hanging out in the Arch, but don't take off like some idiot bitch. I don't want to break any of those precious bones, or add a scar or two. You're just to pretty for that harsh treatment." She's smiling now, clearly enjoying this sort of mind torture. She allows the prisoner a bit of freedom for the sake of easier manipulation. Though Tonka might want something else out of this, she's got her own plans that are gonna go her way. "That is, unless you want me to...... Such can be done with great ease." Her white chest leans in as she steps forward, trying to get the girl to back her ass up to the wall again. All she wants to do is let this one know who is boss now.
When she feels the girl is having enough mind games, she releases the grip upon her mind only slightly, to let them breathe with an uncomfortable jolt and fright. "Now doll, you're here because you're a menace to the world, but don't feel left out. You and me are clearly of the same kind; sisters, are we not?" A childish giggle is released at that thought, eyes rolling mentally in her head. If the mare dies, who was she to give a care? There had to be a nice pack of wolves near by that would absolutely love to feed upon her corpse.
"What I've got to offer you is something you're gonna like. A lot. You want your freedom back, don't you? I've been exactly in the same spot you've been before, but I clawed my way to the top and sat on my throne wearing a crown because I'm a bitch, and a goddess at that. You'd like to be something nice, would you not? Who doesn't want to be worshipped? It's a wonderful feeling." Tricking this would might not be that difficult. Right now, she's shuffling the cards to make it exactly the way she wants it, just to win. She wants to win, and win will be what she does.
"Stick with me, Darling. We'll go far together. What I've got give you in a different view. Look at me. I'm a goddess, and I need a girl who can get herself together who isn't afraid to kick those who plead at her feet in the face. I'm a general. My days are spent beating the blood and shit out of those who challenge me while teaching others to fight. Oh, it's an amazing feeling. What I have for you, is a proposal you can't resist. Stick with me, and I'll make you into a goddess like myself. They aren't going to think of you as a child anymore. They'll take one look at you and their blood will run cold. Darling, would you like to join me as an Assassin, stay in my coziest of homes, and become something everyone fears? I've got all of this to offer you." If the girl doesn't jump at the offer, then she's got a dumbass standing before her. Then it'll have to shift to beatings and terrorizing, where as she'll just have to go about with the old ways.
"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" It's a faint whisper only loud for them to hear. She wants a slave that follows her every whim, and this one just got dropped before her. What perfect timing. What perfect timing indeed.
image credits
table by whit

Messages In This Thread
Harvester of Sorrow [Adrixaura] - by October - 10-02-2013, 08:40 PM
RE: Harvester of Sorrow [Adrixaura] - by Adrixaura - 10-02-2013, 10:11 PM
RE: Harvester of Sorrow [Adrixaura] - by October - 10-08-2013, 01:58 AM

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