the Rift

[OPEN] Maybe you're too headstrong

Levi Posts: 270
Hidden Account
Stallion :: Pegasus :: 16.1hh :: 6 Buff: NOVICE

Faelene. Now Levi remembered the reason why he longed for her company. She was intriguing, she was daring, and she, to him, was beautiful on the inside as well on the outside. Levi was proud to call the red maned his friend, but on the other hand, he was not so proud of what her family did to his. Now Levi was a fair soul, and he felt that just because her family did something wrong does not mean that he should accuse or blame her for the fault. She could have had nothing to do with the plan. Faelene could have just been following herd orders, if she even participated in the invasion. The brute was more relaxed about the matter now. Yes it happened, yes it was horrible, but it was in the past now. There’s nothing anyone could do to change it and there was nothing anyone could do to fix it. It was done and it was over. Now their two families would have to deal with the consequences.

Orbs found her silvers as he closed the gap between them. He saw guilt blazoned in her gaze and Levi as well was feeling the guilt with along with the fae. The two of them had deep sadness plastered on their emotions. But why? Levi asked himself looking in a new direction. It was over. The invasion was done. The two of them were friends, at least in Levi’s perspective, and he wanted to not think about it anymore. This bump in the road should not stop them from being okay together, enjoying one another’s company. As her velvet muzzle brushed against his, he felt a level of comfort wash over himself. Breathing in, he inhaled her icy scent. The warmth from her muzzle kept him from remembering his train of thought, until she quickly pulled away. Their gaze dropped and Levi no longer could see her dark face, disappointed. It was until he heard every word that she spoke, Levi became silent momentarily.

“Shh…” Levi whispered soothingly. It was a fill in to give him for time to think as well as to help her from breaking down. So on a bright side, she hadn’t fought in the invasion, but she had stolen Kri. Sooo, that’s where Kri had been he thought to himself. Levi commended the girl for actually being able to steal Kri because he thought it would be impossible. Personally though Levi was upset about it, Faelene had obviously got her butt kicked from stealing Kri or how else would she have the wound? What goes around comes back around. And anyways, Kri was a fantastic fighter and knew what she was doing. Even though Levi wished he could have helped Kri, he just shook his head at the thought of Faelene stealing her. If she was here to serve her time then all was fair now, there was nothing that anyone could do now.

“Faelene, please, you need to stop,“ Levi pleaded with heartfelt emotion. “If you’re here now to deal with the consequences, then all is fair. You stole my leader and she stole you back. It’s even.” He breathed quickly. “However, while you’re here, I will not let anything happen to you. You’re here in my home and I will not let you suffer…no…not on my watch. I’m helping you Faelene whether you like it or not. I will not let my family treat you harmfully and I would expect your family would not do that to mine...” Trying to catch her gaze one again, Levi kept his orbs kind. A weak smile aroused on his face as he waited for her to respond.

“Do as you please, but I hope you heal well then. And you belong where your heart tells you. You will figure that out when you need to and trust me, milady, it will not fail.” Keeping himself steady, he let his gaze fall to the ground, hoping she would not hate him for trying to help her.

Awhh, thank you Sica<3 He cares for @[Faelene] so much.

"Talk talk talk."

Messages In This Thread
Maybe you're too headstrong - by Faelene - 09-18-2013, 10:45 PM
RE: Maybe you're too headstrong - by Levi - 09-30-2013, 06:02 PM
RE: Maybe you're too headstrong - by Faelene - 10-03-2013, 09:17 PM
RE: Maybe you're too headstrong - by Levi - 10-04-2013, 02:14 PM
RE: Maybe you're too headstrong - by Faelene - 10-04-2013, 10:43 PM
RE: Maybe you're too headstrong - by Levi - 10-05-2013, 02:39 PM
RE: Maybe you're too headstrong - by Faelene - 10-19-2013, 12:31 AM
RE: Maybe you're too headstrong - by Levi - 10-26-2013, 09:23 AM
RE: Maybe you're too headstrong - by Faelene - 11-06-2013, 09:23 PM

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