the Rift

The times, they are a changin'....again(Gossamer/Open)

Query Posts: 48
Hidden Account
Mare :: Equine :: 15 :: 7
Query listened intently for the reply from the lead mare of this herd.

When the words came out of the mouth of this older, yet still beautiful, mare her face lit up. She was a little worried about being accepted, yet she still somewhat knew that she wouldn't have too many issues getting in.

"Thank you so very much for acceptin' me. I promise to do my best to follow all the laws of the herd. As for a position there is none I seek other than to be a welcome member. Maybe once I get settled down again I might seek some other position, but for now I'll stick with just gettin' to know everyone."

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RE: The times, they are a changin'....again(Gossamer/Open) - by Query - 08-17-2012, 09:16 PM

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