the Rift

Trick or Treat: Character #1, Harald

Ciceron Posts: 315
Outcast atk: 6.5 | def: 9.5 | dam: 6.5
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 16.2 :: 6 HP: 69.5 | Buff: ENDURE
Kiara :: White Tiger :: Poison nickel

Upon his travels from the Foothill's the stallion had managed to meet a few new equine or unicorn that shared these lands. They all were unique and most seemed quite nice to chat with but not too many cared to stick around for very long. Not that he could blame them, he was a stranger and they likely had their own tasks to attend to so like them he had carried on his way. Not really knowing where he was going to go he had just started walking towards what he had thought was the threshold but looking around things were quite different in scenery. Darkness seemed to surround him and pumpkins grew along the forest floor. He was thankful for the faint glow of his markings as it provided him with a bit of light considering there was no knowing what he would run into in this new land. Within his mane were a number of beads woven into the thick locks and upon his crown sat a pirate's hat placed precariously between his auds. A black eye patch with the skeleton skull and crossed bones rested off to the far side of his left eye so not to obscure his vision while the brown tassels of clothing adorned over his withers and back as clothing.

Pricking his auds forward while trying not to displace the hat, a screeching cry echoed through the bush. Whatever that was he was not sure he really wanted to find out but curiosity got the best of him and he changed his course following the sound. Eventually the forest cleared to reveal some sort of corn maze growing upon the field of brown. It took a moment of so for him to decide to enter the sprawling maze but pretty soon he found himself wondering where he was surrounded by nothing but corn on all sides. The tall stalks proved to be much too thick to push through them so the only option he was left with was to keep walking. Hearing the call once again he stopped to listen and try and pinpoint its location. "I am HARALD the - squawk - HARPY, and I have - caw - gifts and - cackle - maladies.... What was this thing going on about maladies and gifts for especially in the middle of a corn maze. Sinking down in his hocks he reared up balancing on his hind feet stretching his neck up trying to see where he was. His tall height provided only a glimpse of darkened branches only a few rows over from where he stood. Well at least now he had a location.

Backtracking a little bit he carefully tried to map out the maze in his head based on the tree's location. Many minutes passed before finally he emerged into a clearing to reveal the darkened gnarled tree standing, well sort of, in the middle with the source of the rather irritating voice he had been hearing. The creature was unlike anything he had seen before yet strangely resembled some sort of crow. Gazing at it with silver orbs he carefully took a step closer to see it holding some object within its clutches. Should this be the treasure that the creature spoke of earlier or should this be some kind of trap. Stopping before Harald he wondered if the thing even knew proper language or should it only understand pieces. The object he recognized as some amulet, his father had shown him these as a colt and he would never forget their distinct shape or aura. "What is all this about? Where did all this come from?" He said clearly motioning to the maze that surrounded them despite thinking it was rather festive. Unease prickled his nerves but he stood strong showing no fear or hesitation like his father had trained him to. No warrior should show any hint at what they feel before the unknown, it may if presented be used as a weakness or vulnerability. The gold trinket sparkled within the creatures talons drawing his eyes to its beauty and to its secret within. If it was a matter of bravery to receive this treasure he would take the chance, he loved the thought of a challenge and was eager to discover the amulets ability. " I would consider myself to be brave. What is it we have to do?" Calmly he awaited anymore speech from the clawed beak of the creature wondering what it would reveal if anything.

ooc: Ciceron is dressed up as a pirate

Table and Image by Moonstone Designs
[Image: ciceron_by_foxyfirewings-d7npcjn.png][Image: untitled_2_by_moonstone_designs-d9fwqyy.png]
Pixel Base- BronzeHalo
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Trick or Treat: Character #1, Harald - by Ciceron - 10-12-2013, 01:50 PM
RE: Trick or Treat: Character #1, Harald - by Skywalker - 10-13-2013, 01:06 PM

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