the Rift

[OPEN] Morning light

Pheonix Posts: N/A
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The day I had been looking forward to had finally come. I was taken back to the Throat by Rasta, but I had not met anyone that inhabited the Oasis besides Rasta and Africa. I remembered the nice lady that greeted me, though I called one day for her and she never answered as I waited for her appearance at the border. I worried a little bit and I had to admit my heart was heavy with confusion as if she was still part of the Throat or not.

Lost in my own thought, I continued treading out of the lush oasis out on the desert. Sunlight beat hard on my back, warming every bone in my body. The heat was crazy, but I suddenly didn't mind it too much. Taking in a deep breath, I marveled the beauty of the land. I wanted to meet my other family members, but something kept me from doing so. Anxiety kept me from many things, but I was hoping that joining this herd would actually help me get over such childish fears.

My thoughts started wandering once more as I walked with no destination. What would it be like to get a companion? I could get a Phoenix. It does match my name after all and my orange tinted fur. In the distance I spotted a figure beneath an elegant tree. My emerald orbs caught sight of it, and standing stone still, I brought myself to move again as I approached the horse. He seemed vaguely familiar, but I would say nothing of it.

Getting closer, I saw two giant wings on top of his back, and his eyes gazing somewhere else as if in deep thought. Nervously eyeing him, I finally found my supposedly "lost" voice ."Good morning brother", I began, knowing for sure he was a Throat's horse. It was the proper way to begin a conversation. Hopefully I wouldn't chicken out and start blabbering nonsense.

Messages In This Thread
Morning light - by Midas - 10-11-2013, 08:37 AM
RE: Morning light - by Pheonix - 10-18-2013, 01:43 PM
RE: Morning light - by Midas - 10-21-2013, 12:11 PM

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