the Rift

[OPEN] It's Been Real

Roskuld the Sparklight Posts: 424
World's Edge General atk: 7.5 | def: 9.5 | dam: 6
Mare :: Tribrid :: 15.3 :: 6 HP: 82 | Buff: ENDURE
Zchiraxicon :: Royal Rougarou :: Electric Smithers

That sand—that stupid sand—holy lord I hated that sand already. It was nothing but huge clumps of hot, grainy sons of bitches that got caught in the most uncomfortable places. How long had I been walking—six, seven minutes? And I already had sand lodged in so many tiny crevices you’d be shocked; in my hoofs, all deep in my frogs; in my ears somehow, I guess because of the wind or whatever the hell; in places you don’t need to envision, so just forget about that idea. Just….wherever my body creased, there was sand in it, and it was hot sand and stupid sand and itchy, scratchy sand and it was god awful.

So when this one lady came ambling towards me, I had a huge scowl on my face that had nothing to do with her and everything to do with the sand stuck up my ass. I felt bad, too, because she was sweet-looking and docile (and just a little bit familiar), and I knew from experience that I should leave those types of girls alone because I bite hard and I’m kind of a jerk and I didn’t mean to offend anyone at that particular moment. I just had…things to do.

I didn’t have much time to greet her with something better than a nod and a “What it do,”, though. Because Cera was coming, and my feelings toward him were…mixed.

Yeah, I liked the guy. Other than the obvious debt I owed to him for saving my life in this dry-ass place, I thought he was pretty chill; he was the kind of doofus that Bro was, so I guess that relaxed me a lot. But he was shaken—whether he was shaken by nature or shaken by some recent event, I couldn’t say, but I guess the Invasion was a valid prediction. It bothered me, though, because worry lined every nook and crevice on his body whenever he looked at me, and he was so worried about me and my health. So worried. It was….actually kind of stifling, to be honest.

I took it in stride, though, because I did need him—and he really wasn’t that bad of a guy, honestly. He just needed a kick in his ass to get him in shape, that’s all. Even now as he approached me, dropping from the sky in one of those graceful ways that always made me slightly jealous, I could see the jitters rock his sides, his legs, his eyes as they rested on me and the lady (who was still familiar and it was starting to get on my nerves because who the hell WAS she?) and I could already tell what was about to come out of his mouth: “Are you okay, Roskuld?” “Everything alright, Roskuld?” “Are you comfortable enough, Roskuld?”

*"Roskuld...are you okay?"*

Called it. “I…no.” I had considered lying for a moment, just to spare his poor, tattered nerves, because I’m merciful like that sometimes. But at that moment I thought fuck it because I didn’t feel like hiding the truth right now. It was hard for me to lie, anyway; I wasn’t bred for dishonesty. “No, everything’s real shitty right now, actually. I feel like shit, the world’s shit, and I’ve been being too damn lazy while I got shit to do ‘n….shit.” My voice was more aggressive than I intended; as the words left my mouth, my head spun just a little, just enough to piss me off even more, and I realized I probably hadn’t recovered as well as I should have. Damn it. It’s not like I had a choice; I had to leave, sick or healthy or otherwise.

“I gotta go, Cera,” I told him, trying to get my voice even and nicer as I looked up into his shaky green eyes, “There’s stuff I gotta do and things I need to know and….junk. It’s been real, but I gotta go.” I was compelled to take a step away from him; and as soon as I did, I approached him again, the scowl anew on my face. “I don’t know what I’m doing, Cera,” I blurted, suddenly impatient and pissed all over again; I snorted and stomped my hoof once, my eyes straying over to the pale-faced lady (because she was familiar she was familiar she was familiar) before settling back on Cera. “I really don’t have a clue what I’m supposed to be doing. I came here in the first place because of the Gods, because I saw that pillar thingy and I thought maybe it had something to do with a God and I—“

--I remembered!

My eyes suddenly widened mid-sentence; my gaze fell on the white faced lady who had approached me first. “I know you!” I spat, taking a step towards her, my eyes roving all over her body in a rather indecent manner, but I knew who she was, I knew who she was. “You fought with me! All that time ago. You fought the fire…thing…with me. You flew.” My eyes continued to stretch, but my voice was faltering somewhat as the memories started rushing past my eyes. “You flew at it.”



Messages In This Thread
It's Been Real - by Roskuld - 09-29-2013, 10:53 PM
RE: It's Been Real - by Onni - 10-05-2013, 08:35 PM
RE: It's Been Real - by Cera - 10-06-2013, 01:48 AM
RE: It's Been Real - by Roskuld - 10-19-2013, 09:49 PM
RE: It's Been Real - by Onni - 11-15-2013, 05:17 PM
RE: It's Been Real - by Cera - 11-19-2013, 01:20 AM
RE: It's Been Real - by Roskuld - 11-19-2013, 03:35 PM
RE: It's Been Real - by Onni - 11-19-2013, 05:30 PM

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