the Rift

Time of Truth [moon god - quest turn in + veins pass for new quest - earth god]

God of the Moon Posts: 236
Helovian Ancient
Mare :: Hybrid :: 15.2hh :: Ageless

Earth God & Moon Goddess

"Unsavory?" her voice, soft like lilac drifts on the wind of a shadow. A breeze lifts the stallions dark mane, and the queen materializes slowly like rain pouring from the sky, painting her body in lavender. One of her pupil's eyes was punctuated by a raised brow. "Few can master the art and beauty of glass, as my fiery brother is most oft involved in such things," she commented absently, turning her ornate features to look at the stallion curiously.

A smirk turned her lips. "A worthy King you have chosen, you crafty creature. Well, I keep my promises." The goddess lifted her silvery maw to the sky and parted her lips. From her lungs came the sound of rain and thunder at once in the form of a song, and her pupil less eyes closed. A hawk's cry answered her song, and the falcon swept down, eyeing the strange unicorn curiously. It landed on Coris's head and seemed to know and understand who he belonged to now.

"Be one of mind," she said, her voice leaving no room for argument. The words held power, and knit the two minds together. Whether or not Coris would listen was no longer her problem. Suddenly, she got the distinct feeling that she was no longer needed, but the Queen hovered anyway, observing her larger brother erupt from the ground like some kind of wild tree.

With a shake of his mighty, dusty mane, the Earth God furrowed his brows, seeing his sister nearby. He offered her a smile with she returned kindly, and then he focused on the one before him. "You want something...?" he trailed, looking on expectantly.

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RE: Time of Truth [moon god - quest turn in + veins pass for new quest - earth god] - by God of the Moon - 08-20-2012, 12:34 AM

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