the Rift

[JUDGED] There are no promises I keep [ Tamme - Spar :: New system!]
Ascended Helovian

Gaucho The Wildfire Posts: 1,004
Deceased atk: 8.5 | def: 11.5 | dam: 8
Stallion :: Pegasus :: 17.2 :: 12 HP: 85 | Buff: PINNACLE
Mara :: Black Mamba Snake :: Paralyze & Vorsa :: Plain Zephyr :: Phoenix Odd
I'm screaming at the top of my voice.
Give me reason but don't give me choice</style>

For the briefest of moments, it was if time has slowed, and the primitive and restless mind of the beast was set free. He was enticed - nay, entranced - by the fluidity with which Ophelia moved. Normally, he would feel a sense of loss when his large frame failed to find his target, as if some injustice as been done. But not this time - no, Gaucho has not had a dance partner like Ophelia for years. His opponents in Helovia have all been slow, or stupid. They evade him only to put themselves in a worse position - but not this one... And in that moment, Gaucho was overcome with desire. As his teeth raked Ophelia's pristine flesh, the sensation was only heightened - for what other thoughts can we really expect of Gaucho, when his adrenaline is already piqued, and Ophelia has placed herself so daintily right before him? He did not move away from her, as he normally might have. To not expect her buck is a blundering miscalculation on his part, but alas, his mind was clearly elsewhere. Her hooves struck the broad muscles of his chest, causing him to grunt as his mind snapped out of his stupor by the pain flaring in his muscles. It is a wonder that she didn't wound herself on the spikes that protruded from his chest, but the dun doesn't mind. He wants this to last a little while longer.

Gaucho snarled at Ophelia's question, as his mind was unpleasantly pulled in an opposite direction, and reminded of why it was he found himself with Ophelia as a dance partner. Dark ears pinned against his skull as he watched the mare move away from him. "Basin attack Throat and Edge." He barked in response, flanks heaving with the lingering adrenaline of passion that had welled within him. An almost pained look etched across his rugged features as she mentioned My-das and Kri, but it was quickly replaced with one of fury. "Basin take Kri! And Maww-jah attack My-das and Gaucho - -" He might have had time, to recount Mauja's escape with the dark unicorn, were it not for Tinek's timing.

A silvery shape bled in front of his vision of Ophelia, and in his antlers, Mara loudly hissed. Her white body contorted to try and follow the dragon, as it rolled, banking over Gaucho's back. Starting forward to try and evade the outstretched talons that Mara was mentally warning him of, Gaucho once again headed straight towards Ophelia. Gaucho could feel the claws of the dragon begin to radiate pain somewhere near his loins - but it was hard to tell, for suddenly his entire croup was on fire - and then the feeling just seemed to spread. With a half effort, Gaucho tried to buck into the air towards Tinek, but the motion was stunted almost immediately, as raw pain paralyzed him. His back screamed in agony as his new wounds were condensed by the motion of his buck.

With a gasp, Gaucho continued lumbering forwards. Were Ophelia to not move, it would once again place Gaucho on her left side. Mara hissed furiously, as she watched the dark dorsal stripe of her bonded slowly begin to turn red, and ooze blood from either side. Although Gaucho was too dazed to fully-attack, and was for once in his life willing to ask questions before striking Ophelia again, Mara was not so generous. The flying reptile was clearly out of her range, but its bonded wasn't. She mentally sent a snide remark towards Tinek, but she was sure that he wouldn't understand it. Ohhhh but she was sure he would understand what was coming next.

Urging Gaucho a little more to the left, closer to Ophelia, Mara tightly coiled the end of her tail on the longest of his antler-tines. As Gaucho painfully lumbered towards the white mare, his long strides covering the ground quickly but with obvious effort, Mara struck. She waited until she thought Gaucho was only a few feet away, before her white body snaked forwards in the air, towards the left side of Ophelia's neck. She had grown quite long, and the range was well within her length, but the unicorn had been slippery before when Gaucho had tried to attack her. Still, Mara longed to sink her fangs into that pretty white neck, releasing her poison and showing that flying rat that wings weren't everything.

[WC: 734
Attack: 2/4

Summary: Ophelia's buck hits him in the chest, as he's too distracted by her, to move. In mid-sentence, Gaucho is distracted by Tinek, and lurches forward to try and evade the dragon. This fails, and Tinek's claws create painful wounds down his spine. Having already started in Ophelia's direction, Mara encourages him to the left, to try and bite and poison Ophelia as retribution for Tinek's attack.]

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Please tag me in every post! Magic/Force is allowed on Gaucho at any time.

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RE: There are no promises I keep [ Tamme - Spar :: New system!] - by Gaucho - 11-17-2013, 01:25 PM

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