the Rift

The blast of war blows in our ears [Deimos x Gaucho x Arlo]

Ampere The Mother of Companions Posts: 719
Dragon's Throat Sultana atk: 9 | def: 11 | dam: 4.5
Mare :: Pegasus :: 14 hh :: 6 years HP: 73 | Buff: DANCE
Kygo :: Green Cheek Conure :: None Blu
By my verdict: GAUCHO is the winner!

Realism [+3]
As always you are an excellent fighter, understanding well both the timing and spacing for attacks and defenses and responding realistically to damage/ i especially liked Deimos’ thoughts after feeling Gaucho’s ghost magic! There was one point, your second post, where you dodged Gaucho bucking to your front end, when he’d written as attacking your hind end. I also only read one zombie attack on you, when they should have been attempting attacks in every post, so I would have liked to see more of them being included, as well as more use of the surroundings as a whole, such as the tombstones and the frostfall air etc. You did use the dark nicely though in losing Gaucho and depending on his costume, and I love your costume too!

Emotion [+1]
I know that Deimos is not an overly emotional character as it is, but regardless most of the posts read very mechanical. I did enjoy some of the moments, such as him comparing himself with the dead earth/creatures and how they should be comrades and his curiosity at Gaucho’s magic feeling compared to his, and the Huyana intro was cute :3 but even all of those were very minor and brief so I never felt like I connected with Deimos in this battle.

Prose [+4]
Your prose is beautiful~

Readability [+1]
I was able to understand everything easily, although in your third post it took me a few times to be clear you had used your magic again. Since death is such an incorporated theme with Deimos, perhaps just really signify when it’s his death magic being used. You’re great with giving clear directions/sides however which makes the fight very easy to follow.

Finally tally: 16.5+9= 25.5 HP


Realism [+3]
You continue to excel at fighting, especially with this character. Your sense of timing and position are great, and you’re very good at utilizing your surroundings and extras, like the costume. You let a zombie grab you twice, which wasn’t necessary, but I think you were mostly going for effect. There are sometimes, like your last post, where I feel you try to put too many attacks in which can make it hard to follow, and you didn’t respond to Deimos’ magic attack in your last post. Overall though I thought your reaction to his death magic was well played, but I would have liked to see that injury carry over more since it seemed like a pretty severe one. What I really loved was how you used Gaucho’s red nose to confuse it with Deimos’ costume, and how often you mentioned the zombies and had them hinder you. Your second post in particular brought all the elements of fighting nicely together.

Emotion [+2]
I also enjoyed the Sohalia interaction in your intro post, but Gaucho maintained strong emotions all throughout the fight, especially his reaction to Deimos’ death magic and the fear it inspired in him.

Prose [+4]
You’re an excellent writer.

Readability [+2]
Everything was clear and easy to follow!

Finally tally: 26.5+11= 37.5 HP

Tag me only if starting a new thread.
Magic or force permitted any time, aside from death.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The blast of war blows in our ears [Deimos x Gaucho x Arlo] - by Ampere - 11-27-2013, 02:11 AM

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