the Rift

son of the earth [hototo, ophelia, earth god, open]

Hototo Posts: 96
Hidden Account
Stallion :: Tribrid :: 17.2hh :: 3 years
Boom Boom!

 Let the meek have the kingdom of heaven; the strong shall rule on earth.</style>

Mother speaks to me, but I have no idea what she means. The sound is strange, but it has a nice ring to it. I open an eye to glance upward at her, seeing her face for the first time, trying to match it to the strong, steady beat of her heart that I had come to know. Her voice sounds different out here, in the cold world where I suppose I am to live. Everything seems so terribly loud, not being drowned out in my comfortable home in her womb. I wonder if I will ever be able to go back, but judging by how hard she worked to make me leave, I am left to assume that this loud, foreign place will now be my home.

The face that looks at me begins to blur, and I am having trouble focusing on her, keeping her features straight in the blinding light of the world. I wish so badly to be back in my warm, dark haven.

I lay splayed upon the ground, a mess of long, gangly legs that I suppose were common for our kind. Mother has long limbs too, but hers seem to be more fitted to her large dark form, where as my limbs are like foreign objects tied unfamiliarly to my body. As I try to move one spidery leg, it only ends up going in a direction I had not intended. Was there some trick to controlling these things? My brow crumples in a disgruntled fashion as I am to move my leg to the side, finding a small triumph as it finally heeds my command.

Soon, though, this game of cat and mouse that I play with my mind and legs grows tiring, and I let myself be fully cleaned by mother even as I dip my head to the ground softly, resting my muzzle in a strange red dust. It clings to my nostrils and makes me sneeze - once, twice… three times before the direct settles with a splat of snot on the ground below my head. I lean my head toward my mother’s stomach, trying to find the solace I had in the womb. This world, so full of light and sound, was quite confusing, and I wished that perhaps I could have prepared for this journey a little longer.

ooc; x_x; this is horrible, sorry.

Art by Krazie!</style>

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RE: son of the earth [hototo, ophelia, earth god, open] - by Hototo - 08-21-2012, 07:10 PM

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