the Rift

[PRIVATE] Can Frozen Hearts Still Beat?[Vulture]

Epona Posts: N/A
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~No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold
Nothing satisfies me but your soul~

The stallion’s facial expression seems to show that he does not believe Epona’s words of how she did not wish for death. If he had caught any of her previous show the mare could not blame him. It would seem as if she were completely suicidal. But that, of course, was not the case. She did not wish to die. She was just… Well, what was it? Insane? The beast rolls her eyes at the voices. That could make up a portion of it, but for once the mare was trying to look deeper. She was just… Emotional? That seemed enough of a sum up for the mare at the moment. She did not want to delve into said emotions, which would be a dark and dangerous place to venture to. A place that the mare would have to journey to alone, and at the moment Epona was far from that. The stallion that stood in front of the mare opened his blood stained lips to speak and the mare feared that he would call her out upon her lie. Then she would look like a fool. She could own up to her momentary lapse in judgement. Or you could kill him. But the stallion did not question her, he only shrugged and explained that he would have to take her word for it. At this the mare smirked. He was a smart one. ”Only the truly knowledgeable know when to question, and when not to. I commend you on that.” The mare nodded her head along with her words, accentuating the truth that lay within them. It was rare for the mare to allow compliments to pass from her porcelain lips; the stallion should consider himself lucky to receive one.

As the mare spoke to him about the guilt that she felt for being this ravenous monster she could see a small change in him. Then the words that he spoke seconded this sight. He spoke of how he had a past that destroyed him. He told the mare about how he dreamt every night of the kills that he committed. Epona could understand this; she had nightmares of that one stallion’s face every night for years. He would not allow her to sleep. He would keep her up all night in grief. This new stallion continued to speak, talking of a stallion that had hurt him, and of the sweet taste of revenge. All the while the mare watched the boy with intent eyes, ears scooping up all the words he said. This boy was far more like her than she had previously believed, which was something she needed. The mare felt as if possibly this strange creature could understand the insanity that ravaged her, accept her for it. ”The nightmares cease after some time.” The mare nods her head assuredly. She knew of this well, Epona had not dreamt of her haunter in many years. ”The evil of others is far harder to forget than the evil of our own souls, but that too shall pass.” The mare was not so sure about this statement. Epona had not yet forgiven the Gods for cursing her with this life, she had not stopped hating them body and soul. But she hoped that this would pass as well, so that it would stop eating away at her heart.

The stallion closed his eyes for a moment, a gesture that the mare had made many a times. Blocking out the world seemed to help clear her mind, stop the voices that rang through her head. Once the boy opened his eyes a soft sigh escaped him, accompanied by Epona’s words of our hypocracy. The stallion stated that he knew he would most likely be damned, that he was a hypocrite but that was just one of his many sins. He then added that the equines he killed had deserved, for their sins. Ice eyes gaze at the stallion, thinking over the words that he had said, a tinkling laughter escaping her curved lips. ”Then we shall dance there together.” The mare smirked easily, a happier tone entering her eyes. She knew where she was going, but all the best equines wound up there one way or the other. ”We all sin. Even the Godliest saint has a list of sin that could trifle our own; they just vie to hide such.” She had met many an equine who believed themselves to be Godly, even though their souls were darkened with the murk of sin.

As the mare’s gaze settled back upon the stallion a wicked smile twisted up his stained lips, a look that caused the mare to tilt her head slightly in confusion. Finally his words ring out into the icy air, telling the mare his reason for such a look. The equine said that he wasn’t sure how his statement would go over, but if she was interested he had seen an equine on his travels through the cavern, saying that he always enjoyed a hunt when he was down. At that word the mare’s eyes widen in excitement, a wild smile plastered across her elegant lips. How long at it been since she tasted the flesh of another equine?Far too long! The voices were rejoicing, praising this unknown stallion for his gift of a meal. ”There is never the wrong mood for a good hunt.” The mare’s words were light and airy, her hooves beginning to dance along the ice covered ground. She tossed her head gracefully, sending her mane into thick tangles. The stallion spoke once more, saying everyone deserved fun; no matter how wicked the world was. ”And fun we shall have!” The mare’s words were laughed out, her mind reaching a hysterical high. She had never hunted with another; this would surely be a fun new experiment. ”I would love to accompany you into the heat of the hunt. Lead the way sir.” Her smile could not settle on sincere or maniacal and so it flit between both, her excitement evident on every portion of her bodice. This boy was turning out to be far more of a prize than she previously thought.

Messages In This Thread
Can Frozen Hearts Still Beat?[Vulture] - by Epona - 12-07-2013, 10:12 PM
RE: Can Frozen Hearts Still Beat?[Vulture] - by Epona - 12-08-2013, 10:18 AM
RE: Can Frozen Hearts Still Beat?[Vulture] - by Epona - 12-08-2013, 05:26 PM

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